X-Wing Tactics: New Kylo Ren & Imperial Power

By Barclay Montgomery | November 15th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Kylo Ren’s dark and menacing shuttle has made an appearance on the X-Wing radar! Come and see all of the incredible force multiplier upgrades that will come with this new ship. 

The Upsilon shuttle is beefier than its earlier Lambda series cousin. It sports 6 hull, 6 shields, the standard 1 agility for a large ship, and an impressive 4 attack. This ship seems like it can take on most ships out there by itself, but its strengths lie in its support abilities. Interestingly enough, this is the first ship out of epic scale to have the Coordinate action!


The top pilot for the Upsilon is Kylo Ren. It doesn’t seem like he would be a good pilot though with all of his temper tantrums, but his pilot ability does just that. Whenever Kylo is hit by an attack each round, you can assign the “I’ll Show You the Dark Side” condition card to the defender. What this card does will be explained in a later article, but it is surely something nasty.


The Kylo Ren’s shuttle upgrade is the bane of enemy ships. The menacing nature of Kylo Ren causes enemies in range 1-2 to cover in fear and receive a stress token. The targeted ship has the ability to hand it off to another friendly ship at range 1-2, but someone is taking that stress!


Major Stridan is a major force multiplier.  Systems Officer, Operations Specialist, and Fleet Officer are perfect upgrades for this ship. Operations Specialist is a new upgrade that allows you assign 1 focus token to a friendly ship at range 1-3 whenever another friendly ship misses their attack. This is a safety net that can help your squads coordinate.



Lieutenant Dormitz has an ability similar to the new Han Solo from the Heroes of the Resistance expansion. Friendly ships may be placed anywhere in the play area at range 1-2 of Lt. Dormitz. This can help you get into formation and attack the enemy before they have a chance to coordinate.


Hyperwave Comm Scanner allows you to dictate the deployment phase, as you may treat your pilot skill as 0, 6, or 12 when deploying. Also, you may assign a focus or evade token to a friendly ship at range 1-2 while deploying. This is an excellent upgrade to get Omega Leader the evade he needs to start Juking enemy dice.

That’s it for the new Upsilon Shuttle expansion. What new abilities and upgrades can you throw at the enemy? Try them out soon!


“You need a teacher. I can show you the ways of the Force” – Kylo Ren