X-Wing Tactics – The Return of the Starviper!

By Barclay Montgomery | January 25th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars, Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Hello again X-Wing fans! Monty G here to discuss some X-Wing tactics involving the seldom used (but highly purchased) Starviper, and Guri.

I believe that one of the new upgrade cards from the pending Wave 8 ships will give this little dog-fighter a new boost onto the meta. The Starviper was a highly anticipated ship when it first came out. Once it did however, people realized that it was “too expensive” points wise to be a good ship. It has boosted stats with 3 attack, 3 agility, and was the first ship to have the dreaded Segnor’s Loop, proving time and again how maneuverable it could be.


The Starviper expansion came with one of the most popular upgrade cards, Autothrusters. Much to my chagrin, I would hear tales of players buying the Starviper expansion just to get the Autothrusters card, and simply discarding the ship itself. But enough about that, let’s talk about current builds and what we can do to give our little Starviper a second chance.

The new upgrade card that I anticipate will help the Starviper is Cloaking Device.


The usual ship I use with the Starviper is Guri. I love her pilot ability, which allows her to gain a free focus token whilst in range 1 of an enemy ship. Prince Xizor is also a good pilot, allowing friendlies to take damage instead of him. Both Starviper aces allow the Virago title. The Virago title allows you to add the Sensors and Illicit upgrades. The newest Illicit upgrade on the block is Cloaking Device. This upgrade allows scum only ships with the Illicit upgrade to have cloak for 2 points! There is a small drawback in that, much like Scum tech, is unreliable at times. This will allow the Starviper to be cloaked and add a whole new element of maneuverability. An upgrade to consider to help with the unreliable cloaking device is the Stygium Particle Accelerator upgrade. This will allow your Starviper to receive the much coveted evade token! It also acts as a back up evade when you re forced to decloak. A few build that I have cooked up are shown below.


Guri – Predator + Virago + Advanced Sensors + Cloaking Device + Stygium Particle Accelerator = 41 points

Guri – Predator + Virago + Advanced Sensors + Cloaking Device + Authothrusters = 41 points

Prince Xizor – Veteran Instincts + Virago + Fire Control System+ Cloaking Device + Autothrusters = 39 points


What are your favorite Starviper builds? Tune in next time folks for more tactics discussions!