X-Wing’s New Scum Turret is HERE!

By Barclay Montgomery | August 8th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


Heads up X-Wing fans! The Scum faction has a brand new large based ship that has more than a few tricks up its sleeve! Check it out!

The Lancer class pursuit craft, also known as the Shadow Caster, is an interesting ship that adds a whole new element to the X-Wing game. It can fire its primary weapon 360 degrees, but in a much different way than traditional turrets. This ship introduces the mobile firing arc. Represented by a small arrow on the base of the ship, you can spend an action to rotate your firing arc to any of the 4 sides of the ship’s base. Pretty nifty huh? As this technically counts as its primary arc, looks like Autothrusters will not be useful when flying agianst this ship. Let’s take a look at the new pilots!


Sabine Wren features a pilot ability that will come in handy for defense. Her ability states that if she is defending from a ship that is inside her mobile firing arc,she may add 1 focus result to her roll. This would be a perfect ship for the Recon Specialist upgrade that allows you to grab 2 focus tokens when you perform a focus action.


Ketsu Onyo has a pilot ability that can take advantage of the Shadow Caster title. His pilot ability states that if you are at range 1 of an enemy ship and it is within both your primary and mobile firing arcs,you may assign 1 tractor beam token to it. This makes it a dangerous ship with the Shadow Caster equipped.


This combo gives you the potential to add 2 tractor beam tokens to a ship in one turn. That’s a reduction in agility by 2 and the ability to either boost or barrel roll your enemy into asteroids. What a value!


Asajj Ventress is an ace hunter. Her ability allows her to assign a stress token to an enemy ship inside her mobile firing arc. Add Tactician to this ship and you can put 2 stress on Soontir after he has used Push the Limit and you will effectively shut him down for the game!

These next upgrades are going to shake the X-Wing scene up for sure. One is a new crew member that Scum fans have been dying to see and the other is a new Illicit upgrade that will be a game changer, as well as an amazing new torpedo upgrade!


IG-88D blasts onto the scene as a crew member that shares the pilot ability of each friendly ship with the IG-2000 upgrade! Everyone’s favorite assassin droid, IG-88B can be paired up with Dengar! That’s right, you can share the Aggressor class ship’s pilot ability with other ships that would not normally be allowed to!


Scum are known for their tricky Illicit upgrades, and this one is amazing! As an action you may drop one cargo token with the Rigged Cargo Chute upgrade.  This cargo token acts like a debris cloud and remains in play for the rest of the game! Add another obstacle for your opponent to fly through!


And the craziest upgrade to hit this expansion is the Seismic Torpedo. As an action you may choose and obstacle at range 1-2 and inside your primary firing arc, you may target it and destroy it! But wait, there’s more! Any ship at range 1 of the obstacle rolls 1 attack die and suffers any crit or hit. If you have a problem with dodging obstacle, just blow them up! How come noone has thought of this before! So crazy.

That wraps up the Shadow Caster walk-through. This wave of ships will definitely make the X-Wing game way more interesting and fun. Tune in next time for more X-Wing news and updates.

X-Wing Wave 9 Scum Ships Unboxing & Review