X-Wing’s New Wave 9: Unboxed from GenCon!

By Zeb Barrett | August 9th, 2016 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, X-Wing 2.0

star wars x-wing national championship

Hey guy, we managed to get our hands on the new X-Wing Wave Nine ships from GenCon and have a couple of unboxing videos for you! Check it out!

So we managed to get our hands on Wave Nine and they look amazing!


ARC-170 & Tie /SF Ships Unboxing:

xwing wave 9 cards

Special Forces TIE $14.95


Only the First Order’s most elite pilots were authorized to fly the specialized TIE craft from the Special Forces TIE Expansion Pack. Outfitted with enhanced shields, weapons, and sensor systems, the ship had a dual heavy laser turret mounted to the bottom of its fuselage. In X-Wing™ this turret empowers the ship to launch a more potent attack from its primary firing arc or to fire from both its primary and auxiliary firing arcs in the same round. In addition to its pre-painted miniature, the expansion also contains four ship cards and five upgrades.

ARC-170 $19.95


The Rebel Alliance recovered, repaired, and retrofitted a handful of ARC-170 starfighters during the Galactic Civil War. Though somewhat antiquated, the ship was still a force to be reckoned with, featuring powerful cannons, heavy shielding, and a tail gunner. The ARC-170 Expansion Pack introduces this starfighter to X-Wing™ as a resilient vessel with two attack, an auxiliary firing arc, and both crew and astromech upgrade slots. Additionally, four ship cards introduce Poe Dameron’s mother Shara Bey and three other aces while nine new upgrades permit a wide range of creative configurations.

Scum Ships:

xwing wave 9 cards




Protectorate Starfighter $14.95


Also known as the “Fang fighter,” the Protectorate starfighter was a fast and sleek Mandalorian craft custom-built for fighter combat. The Protectorate Starfighter Expansion Pack brings this aggressive ship to X-Wing™ as one of the most potent – and most deceptively simple – vessels in the Scum and Villainy fleet with three attack and three agility. Although the ship has no shields, its pilots favor aggressive approaches, meeting their foes in deadly head-on charges. In addition to its pre-painted miniature, the expansion contains six ship cards and two upgrades.

Shadow Caster $39.95


The signature starship of the young and ambitious bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo, the Shadow Casterwas agile and powerful, but lightly shielded, trading heavy ray shielding for speed. Both the ship and its pilot make their way to X-Wing™ in the Shadow Caster Expansion Pack, along with three other pilots and twelve upgrades that afford you myriad options for outfitting your Shadow Caster with different crew and illicit upgrade combinations. Finally, the ship boasts a mobile firing arc, which offers some of the advantages of a turret, even while preserving a distinctive – and more point-efficient – play style.

These ships are going to be an amazing addition to the already sick game of X-Wing and will be available in your local hobby stores this Holiday season!