X-Wing’s Top 4 Championship Lists You Should Know

By Barclay Montgomery | December 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

xwing repaints

Another X-Wing Miniatures Champion has been crowned Come see the Top Four lists from the 2015 Worlds Championship and a breakdown of  tactics with each.

Paul Heaver has done it again for time – he’s done the hat trick! Three years in a row this guy has been unstoppable. In this article we will go over the


Paul Heaver – Champion

  • Poe Dameron – Veteran Instincts + R2D2 + Autothrusters
  • Grey Squadron Pilot – Twin Laser Turret + BTL-A4 Title+ R3-A2
  • Grey Squadron Pilot – Twin Laser Turret
  • Bandit Squadron Pilot


Paul had said in a post tournament interview that he wanted to run a strong list this year. He also advised that you should always bring the much lamented stress bot Y-wing in your Rebel lists. Poe Dameron is also the new favorite, seeing as how he is in the top 2 lists of the Worlds tournament. His action economy is amazing, and depending on his astromech choice, he can survive a lot of damage and keep dishing it out as well. Autothrusters and the Twin-Laser Turret continue to be seen in top lists also.


Nathan Eide – Runner-Up

  • Corran Horn – R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade + Push The Limit + Fire Control Systems
  • Poe Dameron – Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters + R5-P9
  • Prototype Pilot – Chardaan Refit


The classic Corran Horn was seen in this Runner-Up list at Worlds. It is interesting to see Push the Limit on him instead of the much used Veteran Instincts, but it’s all about catching your opponent off guard. I feel that with Corran stressing himself voluntarily, and having a Y-Wing stress bot  give him more led to his demise.

Even with the green maneuver economy of R2-D2, his dial will become limited and predictable. Poe Dameron is also seen here, being a top tier ship now in X-wing. This time he was the more common variant seen in the meta right now.


fel tie

Jeremy Howard – Top 4

  • Soontir Fel – Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Autothrusters + Stealth Device
  • Darth Vader – Lone Wolf + TIE/x1 + Advanced Targeting Computer
  • Omicron Group Pilot – Sensor Jammer + Emperor Palpatine


The dreaded Soontir, Vader, Palp list! This list is usually a huge pain to take out, seeing as how the Emperor loves to ruin you “just as planned’ tactics by changing the dice to a more favorable outcome for him. Soontir is always a ship to watch out for, and extremely hard to pin down. Vader seems like a mini-Soontir with his double action economy.

Interestingly, he has Lone Wolf on him to help him with his dice roll, but it takes much skill to keep him at a distance from friendly ships. The shuttle has taken a new favorite in the sensor slot this time. Sensor Jammer is becoming more popular when facing the TLT spam we see now it the game.

The ability to modify the attacker’s dice is extremely powerful, and the upcoming Juke Elite upgrade card will add to this power.

Phillip Booth – Top 4

  • IG-88A – Crack Shot + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Fire-Control System + Glitterstim + Autothrusters
    IG-88B – Crack Shot + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-2000 + Fire-Control System + Glitterstim + Autothrusters

Finally we have the Scum favorite: Brobots! This time IG-88A made it to the table, which I was very excited to see! His ability seems to be the least favorite out of the IG-88 series, but in the current meta his ability can come in quite handy. He would love to hunt down some juicy TLT Y-Wings, and earn shields back in the process. IG-88B seems to be a must have in every Brobots list.

His ability is amazing. It’s like a free gunner! 4 attack dice from the Heavy Laser Cannon with a reroll if it misses is just too hard to pass up.  Crack shot is an increasingly popular Elite upgrade seen in this list. Cancelling a defender’s  evade result is so amazing. Bye bye Stealth Device on Soontir Fel!


May the force be with you for Wave 8!