Your Move

I used to really enjoy an old article in Inquest Magazine (published for Magic the Gathering) called Dead Man’s Hand.  You would only have one turn left and you had to kill your opponent that turn, or you lose. They showed you your hand and the battlefield, and you had to come up with the […]

Read More | December 13th, 2010

Okay we all had some time to think about it. So here are the moves you can make to achieve victory over the Space Marines. Daemons Are Scary The biggest hurdle to winning this game is the rhino lurking on the left.   It’s unassuming but it can single handily keep the Daemons from winning. […]

Read More | August 26th, 2010

I used to really enjoy an old article in Inquest Magazine (published for Magic the Gathering) called Dead Man’s Hand.  You would only have one turn left and you had to kill your opponent that turn, or you lose. They showed you your hand and the battlefield, and you had to come up with the […]

Read More | August 19th, 2010