Adeptus Mechanicus Magos & Servitors

Check these guys out!  The more and more I look at these Mechanicus models, the more I am impressed by the conversion work.

Ad mech always seems to have a special place in everyone’s hearts.  When you see conversions, they are either pretty much terrible, or off the wall amazing!

Beast’s Ad Mech command squad thankfully, is pretty cool looking!

This is the leader of Beast’s Adeptus Mechanicus themed Imperial Guard Army.  I featured his similarly themed Terminus Ultra Land Raider awhile ago, that he uses in Apocalypse Games when he needs more firepower.

The Conversion(s)

Beast converted the servitor retinue off of Cadian Torsos, High Elf Archer Legs, and bits of armor plating / mechanics from Micro Art Studio. He used a ton of guitar wire for the power feeds as well.

The leader is the basic Techmarine model, with some mech bits thrown in, and no harness to make him more “human”. 

Checkout each individual pic below as most hide a surprising amount of conversion work.

You can checkout all of Beast’s featured work here. I also have a Mechanicus Label link as well that showcases all our Ad Mech posts. -MBG

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