New Emperor’s Children Champions of Slaanesh Army Box: Contents Vs Value

pricing and value champions of slaanesh emperor children army box set image painted Lords and models in background reveal warhammer 40k

Your guide to the new Warhammer 40k Emperor’s Children Champions of Slaanesh Army Box Set, contents, value, and release date in our savings breakdown!

Updated January 31st, 2025, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content.

The Emperor’s Children Champions of Slaanesh Army Box Set is here, and it’s got plenty of value to offer. Whether you’re after stunning new models, keen to expand your army, or just wondering if it’s worth the price tag, this breakdown covers it all.

From unit selection to overall savings, we’re cutting through the noise to see if this box truly delivers. If you’re eyeing that release date or weighing up the value, stick around—our guide’s got the answers you need.

Release Date, Pricing, Contents VS. Value

Emperor's Children Army Box Emperor's Children Army Box Set Value Champions of Slaanesh contents release dateThe Emperor’s Children Army Box Set does not have a release date set as of right now. However, it will most likely be up for order sometime in February or early March 2025. We’ll break down the recent 40k battleforces and army box sets and compare the prices; that way, we can see how much this latest release will save you!

Here is the contents list of everything in the new Emperor’s Children Champions of Slaanesh army box

  • 12x Noise Marines 
  • 20x Infractors / Tormentors
  • 1x Lord Exultant
  • 1x Exclusive Emperor’s Children Codex Cover
  • Datacards and Transfers

Emperor’s Children 40k Army Box Set Retail Price: $230 CA$275 £140 €180

Emperor's Children Army Box Emperor's Children Army Box Set Value Champions of Slaanesh contents release dateFulgrim, Lucius, and the Flawless Blades are not in the box.

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Chaos Space Marines
  • Faction: Emperor’s Children
  • Role: Troops, Elites, HQ
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 33
  • Release Year: 2025

Emperor’s Children 40k Army Box Set

Models Unit Name Value
12 Noise Marines $130 ($65 for 6, based on Heavy Intercessors)
20 Infractors / Tormentors $130 (Based on Chaos Space Marine box of 10)
1 Lord Exultant $42 (Based on SM & CSM Characters)
1 Codex & Cards $95 ($60 + $35 cards, seems to be a full codex)
Emperor’s Children Army Box
  Total MSRP: $397
  Savings Versus Box Price: $167

Similar Battleforce, Army Box Set Comparisons & Value

Below, you can see how the new Emperor’s Children Army Box compares to older Battleforces, like the Space Marines (which featured 20 models) and the Deathwing Assault releases.

Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
Emperor’s Children Box $230 33 $167
Council of the Death Lord  $230 20 $120
Blood Angels Army Box $230 23 $227.50
Stompa Boyz Battleforce $210 23 $166

Pricing By Country

Country Price
United States $230*
Canada CAD$275*
United Kingdom £140*
Europe €180*

*Estimated pricing based on recent releases

Contents & Description

Are you thinking of starting a 40k Emperor’s Children army? The upcoming launch box is like a grim gift from Slaanesh—packed with all the essentials to kickstart your force; it’s both practical and downright beautiful. Here is what comes inside!

Lords Exultant: Tactical Sadists

Lords ExultantThese leaders take sadism to the next level. With finely honed combat skills and a knack for crafting intricate battle plans, they wield both their weapons and minds with precision. If your style leans toward calculated cruelty, the Lords Exultant will feel right at home.

Noise Marines: Masters of Mayhem

Noise MarinesSonic blasters, screamer pistols, and blastmaster cannons—the Noise Marines are walking sound systems of destruction. Their updated miniatures are stunning, featuring intricate ornamentation and daemonic details that perfectly capture their aesthetic. For those who value flair as much as firepower, these are your go-to troops.

Infractors and Tormentors: Versatile Warriors

TormentorsThe line troops of the Emperor’s Children come in two flavors. Infractors are thrill-seeking close-combat experts, while Tormentors focus on ranged combat with their highly ornate boltguns. Both options let you tailor your army’s playstyle while keeping the Slaaneshi aesthetic front and center.


Emperor's Children CodexWhen assembling your Emperor’s Children army from the new codex book, balance is key, and the one you get in the box looks amazing! 

Where to Get Yours

champions of slaanesh emperor champion army box set image painted Lords Kakophonist. and models in background reveal warhammer 40k

Emperor’s Children 40k Army Box Set Retail Price: $230 CA$275 £140 €180

When it goes on pre-order, snag your new Champions of Slaanesh Army box set from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going. 

Quick Order Links Get 15% Off or More:

Mid Atlantic US: Fabricators Forge | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming (West Coast US) | The Rogue Traders | Central US: Dicehead Games | Noble Knight GamesWarpfire Minis | West Coast US: Squadmarks

Worldwide: Amazon | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store | UK: Element Games (UK) | Merlin’s Minis | Wayland Games | Canada: Tista MinisAbyss Game Store | Kingdom Titans |

New Emperor’s Children 40k Army Box Set Review

InfractorsSo, you’re thinking about grabbing the Champions of Slaanesh Army Box? Well, if you want the new EC miniatures and rules, this will be the first place to score them! It also looks like it should have some decent value and save you some hobby dollars!

How Many Points Is It

noise marines champions of slaanesh emperor children army box set image painted Lords and models in background reveal warhammer 40k

While the codex isn’t out yet, based on the current points and Chaos Space Marines, we would guess this box is somewhere around 650-700 points. But, as you know, the tides of the Grimdark universe are ever-shifting, and with the latest points updates, that number could quickly fluctuate.

One minute, you’re ready to purge heretics, and the next, you’re recalculating your list because the points gods have decided to have some fun.

Is This Worth It?

In short, yes! So far we think this has a very high value (basically over 50%), and it is packed with all-new miniatures that people have been waiting for years and years (and the release date is here, so we’re pumped).

Even though there isn’t Fulgrim or Lucius, it will be the first place you can grab any of the new stuff and the codex. However, if you already have the old models of these, it might be hard to pony up the cash for a new box. Either way, it gets you a bunch of new minis and early access to the codex! 

Champions of Slaanesh Army Set Video Review

If you’re looking for reviews on YouTube, be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about the new army set at the links below:

What to Buy Next?

Well, this is only a small portion of the new releases coming for the army, so we would grab all the other new stuff! Who really cares how good it is? EC has been rumored for years and years, so we’re just excited to be able to hobby on the new models. Obviously, you’ll also probably want Fulgrim and/or Lucius to lead your army, and then the Flawless Blades look sweet as well! 

Final Thoughts: New Emperor’s Children Army Box Set

So, there you have it; whether you’re a devout EC fan or just getting into Warhammer 40k, it’s clear that this new army box set packs a punch. With a mix of powerful minis, the much-anticipated codex, and some sweet savings, it’s definitely worth considering adding to your collection.

Unveiling the Emperor’s Children: Lore and Army Tactics

What do you think of the new Warhammer 40k Emperor’s Children Champions of Slaanesh Army Box Set, its contents, value, release date, and costs?