Magos Dominus Reimagined – Conversion Corner

By Rob Baer | July 24th, 2015 | Categories: Adeptus Mechanicus, Conversion Corner, Conversions

admech wlapaper

Come see a great looking Adeptus Mechanicus Magos / Dominus conversion that can hang with the plastic and Forge World kits!

Spikey Bits reader Pascal send in these pictures of a cool conversion he cooked up. Check it out!

 Just wanted to show you my WIP Tech
Priest Dominus. I didnt like the original GW modell…so i
started to convert it….and i must admit:i realy like it.
Best regards
Pascal Zaengerle

Pascal Zaengerle unnamed (1) unnamed (2) unnamed (3)


Thanks Pascal, I think we all like it too!


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