Warhammer 40k Points Update: New Munitorum Field Manual Released

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Start building your new army lists with the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points updates and changes from December! 

Updated February 6th, 2025, by Rob Baer with new information and links to the Aeldari codex points changes and units gone from the new points. 

munitorium field manual 40k points changes logo

We’ve all seen the latest datasheets, army rules, codex books, and index cards. Now, with the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points update, you can make new lists, as the balance of the game is in flux once again.  

Here is our breakdown of all the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points changes from December 11th, 2024, and the January 2025 changes to the Aeldari Codex points.

February 2025 Updates 

Aeldari Codex Points Changes

The only thing getting a shake-up this time is the points in the Aeldari codex. No surprises there—Games Workshop loves updating points right after a book drops. So, forget the ones in the actual codex; these new numbers are what you’re supposed to use now.

The good news? Unlike the Astra Militarum update from January, there’s no weird disclaimer or “only for certain games” nonsense. These are the official points across the board, no strings attached! However, there is quite a long list of missing units from the new points (we’ll have that below). 

We also have to report one sad bit of news for Drukhari playersIt looks like the Tantalus has moved to Legends, as the only adjustment they received is a points list without the giant ship. 

January 2025 Updates 

Imperial guard changes Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updatesFirst up, the Astra Militarum. GW is clearly gearing up for their new codex, sprinkling in some early points changes across the board. Here’s the twist, though: while the points apply to everything, they’re not tournament-legal until the codex officially lands.

However, the only other change is to Tankbustas, but those will not be used either. 

So, for now, your beautifully optimized Guard lists will have to wait before you can unleash them in competitive play (and see all the new points here.) Luckily, in the downloads, they kept the unchanged points to use above the new points, so don’t get confused. Be sure to pay attention to this, especially if you’re going to LVO: 

The points below allow players to enjoy Codex: Astra Militarum in non-tournament settings. Until the full release of this Codex, players should continue using the Index: Astra Militarum points and rules for tournaments and other similar events.

December 2024 Updates

Maybe just as important as the points, Games Workshop said they will now only be doing 40k Balance Dataslate updates every other quarter (initially, they said every quarter), while points changes will be every quarter.

However, in December, the points changes dropped alongside a full Dataslate, meaning the game is getting really shaken up now. 

Let’s start with the 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k points update winners and losers, and then get into the specifics.

Buffed Factions:

  • Adeptus Mechanicus: Those Kastelan Robots and Datasmiths are rolling in discounts.
  • Black Templars: Cheaper Repulsors and Executioners for the holy hammer time.
  • Blood Angels: Sanguinary Guard and Death Company with better prices for more blood-spilling.
  • Chaos and Imperial Knights: Affordable War Dogs mean more barking on the battlefield.
  • Chaos Space Marines: Bikes are zooming in for less.
  • Necrons: Warriors, Ghost Arks, and Ophydian Destroyers are resurrecting those budget vibes.
  • Leagues of Votann: Thunderkyn and Iron-masters are dropping those gold nuggets.
  • Tyranids: Norn and Trygon are hungry for action at a discount buffet.

NERF-ed Factions:

  • Astra Militarum: Infantry squads, characters, and tanks got a little heavier, but some units like Death Korps and Ogryns are feeling fresh.
  • Adepta Sororitas: Castigator and Exorcist turned into luxury items.
  • Adeptus Custodes: Dawneagle Jetbikes got fancy price tags, but received buffs in the Dataslate.
  • Drukhari: Scourges and Grotesques are making you pay for the pain.
  • Tau Empire: Tiger Shark’s new price tag hits like its railgun.
  • Space Wolves: Scouts and Wulfen getting fancier to deploy.
  • Space Marines: Intercessors, Scouts, and Guilliman got a price hike—ouch! However, this should all be a buff in the long run with the Dataslate changes. 

Full Warhammer 40k Munitorium Field Manual 2024, 2025 Points Changes Update

Alright, buckle up because it’s that time again – the Munitorium Field Manual has dropped some fresh points changes, and things are about to get interesting! These are the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points updates and changes that are legal for play right now!

Adepta Sororitas Point Changes

New Field Munitorm Points

  • Buffs: None. The Emperor’s favorite daughters are still awesome, but their wallet isn’t feeling the love.
  • Nerfs: Castigator and Exorcist got hit with a points tax (+10 and +20, respectively). Time to start passing the collection plate.

Adeptus Custodes Points Updates

New Field Munitorm Points 2

  • Buffs: Your basic squads are holding steady, but there are no real discounts here.
  • Nerfs: Dawneagle Jetbikes (+20) are now officially flying first class. Vertus Praetors also saw their points creep up. Luxuries, am I right?

Adeptus Mechanicus Points

New Field Munitorm Points 3

  • Buffs: Discounts all around! Kastelan Robots (-10 for two, -20 for four) are back in the meta groove, and Cybernetica Datasmith is a bargain at 35 points.
  • Nerfs: None! The Omnissiah smiles upon his children this time.

Aeldari Points Update

Aeldari Codex Points Changes


  • Avatar of Khaine (-20 points): Still a powerhouse, now slightly more affordable.
  • Baharroth (-10 points): Despite his deep strike tweak, he’s still a strong choice, now at a discount.
  • Maugan Ra (-20 points): A nice price drop for the murder-guitar-wielding legend.
  • Farseers (-10 points): With the new attachment rules, this makes them even better value.
  • Vypers (-10 points per model): Small but welcome, as they were sitting in an awkward spot before.


  • D-cannon Platform (+15 points): It was strong, and now it’s a bit pricier.
  • Shadow Weaver Platform (+25 points): That’s a hefty increase—expect fewer of these on the table.
  • Warp Spiders (+10 points for 5 models): Probably to keep them in line with their incredible mobility.

Missing units in the new codex: 

At this time, they haven’t updated the Legends document, but expect these to all be in there.

  • Autarch Skyrunner
  • Cobra (Forge World)
  • Hornet (Forge World)
  • Illic Nightspear
  • Irillyth (Forge World)
  • Karandras
  • Lynx (Forge World)
  • Nightwing (Forge World)
  • Prince Yriel
  • Scorpion (Forge World)
  • Shadow Spectres (Forge World)
  • Skathach Wraithknight (Forge World)
  • Support Weapons
  • Warlock Skyrunner
  • Warlock Skyrunner Conclave
  • Warp Hunter (Forge World)
  • Webway Gate
  • Wraithseer (Forge World)


MFM Oct 2024

Old Points From the Index.

Agents of The Imperium

New Field Munitorm Points 15They only get a single change, so nothing too wild.

Astra Militarum Points

Astra Militarum points for Jan 2025 Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updatesIt seems these are adjustments to what GW published in the codex. So, without seeing the book and new rules, we can’t really say how the new points shake out. Luckily, in the downloads, they kept the unchanged points to use above these. 

New Field Munitorm Points 4 Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updatesThese are the current tournament legal points! Especially if you’re playing at LVO, be sure to use these and not the new ones above!

  • Buffs: Hard to say without knowing what’s in the codex. 
  • Nerfs: Again, hard to say. Without the codex, we’re not sure if they are NERFS. 

Black Templars Points Updates

New Field Munitorm Points 5

  • Buffs: Repulsors and Executioners dropped (-5 and -10). Cheaper heavy hitters? Yes, please.
  • Nerfs: Nada. The Emperor’s hammer swings on.

Blood Angels Points

New Field Munitorm Points 6

  • Buffs: Sanguinary Guard dropped slightly (-5 for three, -10 for six), making them even deadlier.
  • Nerfs: Chief Librarian Mephiston and Lion El’Jonson are fancy now with +10 and +30 increases.


Chaos Daemons Points

New Field Munitorm Points 7

  • Buffs: Bloodletters (-10).
  • Nerfs: Screamers (+10 for three, +20 for six). Maybe they screamed too loud about being cheap?

Chaos Knights Points

New Field Munitorm Points 8

  • Buffs: War Dog Executioners (-10), Stalkers (-5), and Huntsmen (-5) are all cheaper. More pawns for your dark chessboard.
  • Nerfs: None! They’re just here to laugh at their loyalist cousins (despite the same changes).

Chaos Space Marines Points: 

New Field Munitorm Points 9

  • Buffs: Chaos Bikers are now a little more affordable (-10 for six).
  • Nerfs: Abaddon’s still expensive, but no new surprises here.

Dark Angels Points

New Field Munitorm Points 10

  • Buffs: Inner Circle Companions and Terminator Squads didn’t budge. Deathwing Knights held firm, and Land Speeders stayed affordable.
  • Nerfs: Lion El’Jonson is now pricey at +30 points. Worth it? You decide.

10th Edition 40k Dataslate Death Guard Points

Field Munitorum Points changes 12Points unchanged from October.

Deathwatch Points

Munitorum Field Manual 12

There are no changes as they are in the Imperial Agents codex. However,  they did get their index with new points

Drukhari Points

Drukhari Points

They added the points for Reaper’s Wager but took out the Tantalus. This is quite sad news for Drukhari players out there, as this was the last remaining Forge World model left for the range, and it looks like it will be going to Legends. 

New Field Munitorm Points 11

  • Buffs: Wracks are the only unit coming out cheaper.
  • Nerfs: Grotesques and Scourges (+10) are now luxury killers, and the Voidraven Bomber (+20) just got harder to field.

Genestealer Cults Points

New Field Munitorm Points 12

  • Buffs: Nowhere to be seen. 
  • Nerfs: Abominates and Ridgerunners see a 20-point increase… they were simply too good at uprising.

Grey Knights Points Changes For 10th Edition 40k

New Field Munitorm Points 13

There’s not much to see here as the baby carrier goes up five points.

Imperial Knights Points

New Field Munitorm Points 14

  • Buffs: Like their chaos kin, the small knights get cheaper by 10 points each. 
  • Nerfs: Not a one. The Knight life is getting better!

Leagues of Votann Points

New Field Munitorm Points 16

  • Buffs: Thunderkyn got a price drop. Big wins for the little guys!
  • Nerfs: None. GW clearly wants to see more of these stubborn space miners.

Necrons Points

New Field Munitorm Points 17

  • Buffs: Warriors, Ghost Arks, and Ophydian Destroyers are all cheaper, plus Immortals (-5) got a discount on staying power.
  • Nerfs: C’tan Shards (+10) and Royal Warden (+10). That’s what happens when you wield god-like power.

10th Edition 40k Orks Points

Just like the Astra Militarum points changes, these are too close to events like LVO to use, but Tankbustas are going up by 30 points, which is a decent NERF.

New Field Munitorm Points 18 Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updates

  • Buffs: None. No sneaky discounts for the greenskins.
  • Nerfs: Warboss (+10), and Warboss in Mega Armour (+10). Good luck looting those extra points!

Space Marines Points

New Field Munitorm Points 19 Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updates

New Field Munitorm Points 20 Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updates

  • Buffs: Inceptors (-10 for three, -20 for six) got cheaper, but that’s about it.
  • Nerfs: Guilliman’s +60 is a big hit, and other units like Scouts, Sternguard, and Heavy Intercessors all saw price hikes. Let’s hope the buffs from the Dataslate are enough.

Space Wolves Points

New Field Munitorm Points 21 Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updates

  • Buffs: They are hard to find… because they aren’t here.
  • Nerfs: Luckily, the NERFS are nothing too wild, with five and ten point increases.

Tau Points

New Field Munitorm Points 22 Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes updates

  • Buffs: None. Tau’s economy didn’t see any love here.
  • Nerfs: Tiger Shark (+50). It’s an apex predator… and now, an apex budget-eater.

Thousand Sons Points

Field Munitorum Points changes 25 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points

Points remain unchanged from October. 

Tyranids Points

New Field Munitorm Points 23

  • Buffs: Norn Emissary and Assimilator (-15), Trygon (-20), and Tyrant Guard (-5). Swarm your opponents with savings!
  • Nerfs: Nada. The Hive Mind rejoices.

World Eaters Points

Field Munitorum Points changes 27 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points

Points remain unchanged from October. 

Final Thoughts on the Field Munitorum Warhammer 40k Points changes

All the latest 10th Edition 40k Munitorium Field Manual points changes are available here!  Don’t forget, as we talked about above, GW is changing things up and will only update the 40k Balance Dataslate every other quarter and these points every quarter.  

Either way, that’s a wrap on our discussion of the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points update and changes! It’s obvious that the game’s balance is shifting once again with these updates. Whether your favorite army got stronger or weaker, it’s an exciting time to adjust and come up with new strategies based on the updated points and balance dataslate.

GW Confirms Best Warhammer 40k Armies Now

What do you think about GW making so many 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points updates and changes in the new 40k Munitorum Field Manual? Are you happy with what happened to your faction in the Munitorum Field Manual?