A New Knight Titan Arrives From 3D Printing

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It’s finally here! The veil has lifted from one hobbyist’s amazing Blood Angels Knight Titan project!

Hobby maniac Shane Blomburg. aka Comradequiche. just posted up the final pictures of his ‘titanic creation’, a Knight dedicated to the Blood Angels!

If you loved the Iron Werewolf Knight from a few months ago, you’ll love the Blood Knight of Baal that Shane’s made!

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Checkout more pics of the 3D Upgrade Bits

It features custom shoulder pads, chest plate and head along with some fearsome weapons as well. Checkout that flamecannon, and Gatling fist of doom!

Now that’s something worthy of the craftsmen of Baal themselves! Best of all, Shane has the 3D Bits Upgrade Kits for this Blood Knight for sale just like his last creation over on Shapeways.

iron wolf

Iron Werewolf Knight Titan


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