Rebel Grotz: The Red Gobbo Stompa!

RG Mug shot

What big, red, and always runs fasta? The Red Gobbo, that’s what! Come see the hottest gretchin piloted super heavy to hit the Grim Darks!

Well at long last my Grot Rebelz Project has reached a point where I’m pleased with it, I may return to make a few additional unit but for the moment I am satisfied and eager to jump into a brand new project.

But I felt like I needed to finish on something big! At first I thought about converting a colossal squig into a gas spewing poisonous squig to represent a allied great unclean one, which the grots would teleport into the enemy ranks to wreak havoc. But I decided to keep with something that would fit right in with the rest of the army; a mechanical giant, a Knight Titan! After all my grot rebel army uses the Imperial guard codex.

Red Gobbo

To help better represent the massive saw being a destroyer weapon I decided it be cool to have the blades glowing red hot with a flamer built into the arm heating it. There is also a flamer in the mouth cause what Grot Mek wouldn’t want his creation breathing fire!

Red Gobbo2

Click here if you’d like to see the rest of my Grot Revloushun army.