New Plastic Horus Heresy – Box II RUMORS

By Rob Baer | February 21st, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy walpaper

New Horus Heresy rumors are here, and it’s looking like Christmas for the Space Marine legions in plastic! Come see the latest:

It all started the other day amid the Deathwatch Overkill box set rumor fury:

Source Sad Panda 2-16-2016

Q: the_Armyman wrote:
So, is this another offering from the fledgling Specialist Games Studio or is this a GW Main Studio product?A: This is main studio. It is in hard plastic and the miniatures can be used in 40K without conversions.People underestimate the lead time on those boxed games / starter sets in plastic.

The Deathwatch game was finished by the time EF was released.
The AoS-themed boxed game you’ll see this summer was finished by the time the AoS starter was released.
The second HH boxed game this fall was finished by the time Calth was released.

The specialist games studio was launched a little more than a month ago. The teased Blood Bowl stuff was probably the first work this team did after starting their new jobs in January. It will likely be among the first things they will release, and I don’t think they are aiming for 2016.

horus heresy walpaper

Now we have more:

Source: DakkaDakka

Q: Warhams-77 wrote: Calth II is rumored to be released in Fall 2016 so in about 7-9 months from now by Sad Panda.

A: I wouldn’t call it Calth II or a Calth sequal. It’s a boxed game during the Heresy. There are Space Marines. Similarities end there.

So are we looking at Space Marines, and something different faction wise, OR Astartes vs. Astartes? It’s hard to say at this point because the date is so far off, but remember this time last year we were hearing about plastic Heresy already, and that turned out okay for everyone!

For now it’s more sit and wait, but it looks like once again Sad Panda knows something for sure!

Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Box II Roundup


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