Avenging Oghram: Another Preview for Space Marines on the Way

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopThe Tyranids might have won the campaign, but there is a good chance another sneaky preview for Space Marines on the way soon.

If you haven’t been keeping an eye on the Oghram Campaign, GW promised to reveal either new Tyranids or Space Marines, depending on who won more games in the global campaign. They said both sides will have miniatures revealed, but the winning faction will get models first (or at least reveals).

The Tyranids won and got a ton of new reveals over the weekend. However, we know the Space Marines will get their own reveals, and they might come at an unlikely event that hasn’t had GW reveals in years.

Another Sneaky Preview for Space Marines May Be On the Way

The Nova Open runs from August 30 – September 3 (and usually has a preview), which leaves a big hole in the preview schedule, considering the Tyranids reveals hit on July 15th, and that would leave a full month and a half until the other faction gets revealed.

So, with a roughly two-week timeframe between the launch of Leviathan and the Tyranids preview, waiting till Labor Day in September is too long for the Emperor’s Finest.

Games Workshop GenCon Preview?

Sneaky GW PreviewGuess what falls in that time frame? Gen Con! It runs from August 3-6, which would be an excellent time to see more models for whatever faction lost the campaign. This gives them two weeks or so to get the reveal all set up for a Gen Con preview with the losing faction; sorry Space Marines (click here to see 2021’s Gen Con Preview.)

GenCon runs from August 3rd to 6th, and while we’ve seen some previews in the past, for 2023, GW hasn’t said anything about a preview at the year’s event.

In 2021, they did have a preview at GenCon, but didn’t announce it until right before the event. So there is still some hope for a preview.  Keep an eye on the site as we get into July for more info on a potential preview.

Currently, there is no preview listed on the official schedule for GenCon.

10th edition year 1 roadmapThey always have a big Nova Open preview, and we might finally see something other than Marines or Nids for 10th there, but we might just get their codexes revealed as well…

When you look at the schedule, it’s hard to say. It’s been a few years since GenCon had a preview, but this year could be the comeback. 

Or, of course, they could always do as they did with the Tyranids and just pick a random weekend to show them off. However, it seems strange not to use an event as big as Gen Con to reveal the miniatures when it falls almost perfectly into the timeframe.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for 10th Edition, new product releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    Are you excited about the Tyranids reveal? When do you think we’ll see the Space Marines get their Miniatures revealed at GenCon 2023?

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