Two Places to Play Warhammer 40k 10th Edition For the First Time

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumorsIf you want to try out the new edition before it drops, here are the two places to play 10th Edition Warhammer 40k for the first time!

GW is slowly releasing features about the new edition, but if you just want to see everything about the game and how it will play, GW will have two events where you can try it out! One will be in the UK and the other in the USA, so people from either side of the pond will have an attempt to play, but nothing so far for Oceania and Asia yet.

From the sounds of it, expect to see the new minis at Warhammer Fest, and you might even be able to play with some of the new models too!

Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

Now let’s jump into where you can play!

Two Places to Play 10th Edition 40k For the First Time

Play 10th edition for the first timeThe first event is going to be Warhammer Fest in the UK, taking place from Saturday, the 29th of April, to the 1st of May. 

There will be demo games run throughout to teach you first-hand about all the exciting changes coming in the new edition. And that isn’t all – you’ll get to see all the new miniatures available in the massive new launch box in person.

A showcase of the new Warhammer 40,000 is just one of the many things you can look forward to at Warhammer Fest. We’ll also be revealing a ton of incredibly cool stuff for most of our other game systems on the day.

Playing the new edition will be cool, but seeing all the new miniatures for the starter set in person might even be better!

First Event in the USA

Play 10th edition for the first time 2Then, if you’re in North America, the next option to play will be at Kansas City from June 2nd to the 4th. This isn’t too much later, but this does also mean the new edition will not release until after that weekend so just something to keep in mind! 

Full demo games will run all weekend – anyone can walk up and participate. Our event staff will also present nightly exhibition games you can spectate and ask questions during, featuring the full rules of the new edition in Strike Force clashes over brand-new missions in both casual and competitive formats.

Got questions about the new edition? We’ll do our best to answer your most incisive queries at Q&A sessions, and you’ll also be able to see loads of incredible new Space Marine and Tyranid miniatures in person, including the <REDACTED>, <REDACTED>, and hotly anticipated <REDACTED>!

There you have it, the first two places you can play 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.

Get Warhammer Fest Tickets Here or Kansas City Open Tickets Here!

Will you be trying to go to either event to play 10th Edition early? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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