GW Confirms 10th Edition 40k Leviathan Starter Box Set Rumors

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumorsGames Workshop has confirmed the new Tyranids and Space Marines Leviathan Starter box set rumors for 10th edition Warhammer 40k!

GW has officially confirmed the new 10th edition of Warhammer 40k, and they also showed off a bunch of the rules changes!  Alongside the launch, new Terminators and Termagants models will make up the new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Leviathan Starter Box Set!

Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

GW Accidently Reveals Leviathan Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Starter Set Box Price (May, 2nd 2023)

Table of Contents & Article Summary

The pricing info comes from GW’s newsletter about the Leviathan contest.

Leviathan 10th Edition Starter Box PriceThis is from the UK site, and it pretty clearly says the value of the contents of the prizes are worth £150 and AUD $420.

Editor’s note, previous versions of this terms and conditions page were rumored to also have included it for €200 and $245. However, using GW’s unique method of charging more for their products in local currencies (called arbitrage), the comparable price for the starter set appears to be $230 and €185, respectively.

That being said, we’re not sure why they left the AUD and GBP only listed, but maybe they have the actual cost of those boxes for only two currencies, and the other currencies will still fluctuate.

As we said, this could have been a mistake, and they had to put some price for those countries to be a legal giveaway, or maybe they just have the prices locked in for two countries and not the rest. 

leviathan starter set box lineup

It’s interesting to see the price increase from Indomitus. If you remember, Indomitus was $199, so if the $245 price is correct, this is an increase of nearly 25% over Indomitus from just 2020. 

Furthermore, a price of $230 would mean an increase of roughly 15% and may end up being more accurate as the Battleforces are now all $230 after the February price increases. 

Indomitus box 9th edition 40k

However, with the current price increases, it does make sense with their current pricing structure. While we don’t want the price to go up, it would be hard for us to expect the price to stay the same after three years, and there still should be a ton of value in the box as it already has 72 miniatures compared to 61 from Indomitus.

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Leviathan Starter Box Set 

Straight from the source, Warhammer Community let us all in on the 10th edition Warhammer 40k Starter Box Set for the upcoming edition of 40k!

leviathan reveal starter set 10th Edtioin unboxing contents


As the name suggests, Leviathan is an absolutely gigantic box, packed to the brim with miniatures, books, and more. When you lift the lid, you’ll find stacks of sprues containing two armies full of gorgeous new miniatures. Beneath that, you’ll find the massive Leviathan book, the Chapter Approved Leviathan Mission Deck, and a construction booklet.

captain vs nidNot to mention this box is actually quite large! Luckily for us, Games Workshop gave us all a nice little breakdown image of the contents to leave nothing to the imagination!

Leviathan box spelled out

The miniatures are divided into 25 elite, battle-hardened Space Marines – the Imperium’s ultimate defenders against innumerable horrors – and a seething swarm of 47 ravenous Tyranids that desire nothing more than to consume all the biomass in the galaxy. 

An insane 72 miniatures total are packed in this thing, which is a ton already, but of course, new rules to start off 10th edition Warhammer 40k with missions and the rulebook!

leviathan box books and others

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan is a weighty tome packed with lore, rules, artwork, and stunning photography of models. This book covers the core of the hobby, background information for Warhammer 40,000, information about every faction, and a gorgeous showcase of beautifully painted miniatures.

inside leviathan book

On top of that, you’ll get the core rules for Warhammer 40,000, and the rules – as well as specially designed missions – for the new Combat Patrol game format. You’ll also find a full complement of Crusade rules to get your narrative campaigns up and running ahead of Codex releases, and a full Crusade expansion that delves into the story of the Fourth Tyrannic War through a series of linked campaign games.

What about the missions? There’s a 66-card Chapter Approved deck in the box which combines the best Matched Play options from previous editions, which is designed to provide the best and most flexible mission experience for everyone from the most casual players right up to the most competitive.

A huge hardback book covering all you need to get started with 10th edition Warhammer 40k and all the models that come in the box! Like previous editions, this is the first place to experience the new edition of 40k and technically more of a launch box than a starter set in general.

But that is not all you’ll be able to get your hands on with the release of the new edition. Here’s everything else the previewed so far that you will see very soon as well!

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Year One Codex Rulebook Roadmap

10th edition year 1 roadmap

You won’t even have to wait for your Codex to start playing! Every single faction is getting a complete set of Index Cards with datacards for each unit that’s currently available, as well as their own Detachment rules, Stratagems, and Enhancements. These will be available to download online for free from day one, while they’ll also become available in the app. You’ll be able to buy inexpensive physical copies at the same time.

They also mentioned in the live stream that the factions in the 10th Edition Codex roadmap would each have a new model released with their rules as well!

It’s great to see GW make some promises about so many factions within the next year, and with a good variety covered, many players should be happy!


On top of all that, 28 sets of Datacards will be available for free download and on store shelves for purchase that will feature the rules to start playing your armies in the new edition!

If you’re itching to see the full video check it out below!

Speaking of lore, here is more on what’s happening with the 10th edition Warhammer 40k starter box set on that front:


New 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Miniatures:

New 10th Edition 40k Tyranids Miniatures:

So from the looks of it, the new 10th Edition Starter set will have a ton of new models inside.

New Easy To Build Push Fit Terminator Sprues: (May 11th, 2023)

The new sprue pics come from Warhammer Community.

New Leviathan Terminator Sprues

Your five new Space Marine Terminators come packed onto the sprue. They’re largely push-fit, but dabs of glue are recommended on key joins. In all, there are about eight or nine parts to each miniature – plus a teleport homer – and they’re incredibly cleverly put together.

Well, first up, being ETB really isn’t a bad thing; while some people don’t like it, it does make getting your new army on the table much faster and, for newer players, much easier overall.

New Leviathan Terminator Sprues 2

For one thing, most pieces have three or fewer connection points with the sprue, and the majority of these are hidden with great cunning by other parts of the model. So while the joins on the pauldrons need to be cleaned up, and those on the undersides of the storm bolter magazines, most other burrs don’t need much effort at all – and the same goes for many of the mould lines.

On top of that, the parts fit together beautifully. All five Terminators are single-pose, though the Sergeant has a choice of wearing a helmet or going bare-headed. They stand in a range of intimidating poses, and the increase in detail compared with the previous Terminator models is substantial.

This squad was produced in a very interesting way, with possibly the least amount of connections to the actual sprue itself that we’ve seen from GW.

This means less trimming and cutting overall, and with the ETB nature of the kits, these should be a breeze to build.

They also generally do a great job hiding mold lines and gaps, which seem no different here. Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be any options in the kit other than a little bit for the Sergeant

New Leviathan Terminator Sprues 3

Shoulder pads are moulded to arms, and the arms themselves are separate from the torso, giving you a bit of flexibility for possible kit-bashes, if that’s how you roll. Right shoulder pads are blank, so you can assign these elite warriors to a Chapter of your choosing.

It is nice that the arms are separate from the torso, which lets you give them different weapons much easier! Considering the kit doesn’t really have any options, it’s nice GW built them this way. Now you can still equip them how you want; you’ll just need to do a little more work.

47 New Tyranids Previewed For 10th Edition Leviathan Warhammer 40k Starter Set

Straight from WHC, we’ve got a full breakdown of all the new Tyranids that are coming inside the Leviathan Warhammer 40k Starter Set!

10th edition tyranids army



The Screamer-Killer has a long history, starting life as the original metal Carnifex miniature in 1992. Though one of many variants of Carnifex, it is infamous for its sheer size and the power of its bio-plasmic scream which can melt straight through a Space Marine in seconds (as you may have seen in the cinematic trailer). Its four huge arms ending in brutal talons make it an absolute menace in close combat – the perfect counter to those hard-as-nails Terminators.

Screamer-Killer rules

With a great model reviving an old favorite, these rules seem to back up the idea that this is going to be a menace in melee! They also said in the stream that he would NOT be replacing the current Carnifex model, they will both still exist in the rules, and lore.

Plus who doesn’t love a throwback to good old Second Edition Warhammer 40k?

47 New Tyranids Previewed For 10th Edition Leviathan Warhammer 40k Starter Set carnifex screamer killer



The Neurotyrant is a support-focused creature. It hovers across terrain much like a Zoanthrope, though unlike their smaller cousins they sport a multitude of thrashing tendrils to whip at anything within reach. Its giant brain exists to focus the mental powers of the Tyranids, increasing the psychic pressure exerted by the Shadow in the Warp while simultaneously relaying the critical synapse network to less developed creatures. 

Neurotyrant video

Not only will this massive psyker cause some rifts but it’s even got two little buddies to assist with its psychic channeling.

Oh, and we got another throwback to the second edition, with a similar design to the Zoanthrope of that era.

neurotyrant throwback second edition warhammer 40k tenth zoanthrope



Neurogaunts serve as crucial relays for the synapse network and bodyguards for those that would focus it. Larger nodebeasts can be distinguished by the bulbous growth on their backs, while the smaller gaunts chitter around it with sharp claws and teeth.

Neurogaunts video

Following up the big psyker is one of its many potential minions and protectors; these were described as essentially worthless when not linked, so expect some linking-style synergy here!

Winged Tyranid Prime

Winged Tyranid Prime

The Tyranid Prime is an evolved version of the Tyranid Warrior bioform usually found leading their brethren on foot, but this winged variant can take to the skies to carry its razor-sharp claws and synapse ability far and wide. This is the first time a Tyranid Prime has had a unique miniature as previous incarnations were built from the Tyranid Warriors kit.

captain vs nid

As an iconic Tyranid model, this new update is definitely massively welcomed by players!

Von Ryan’s Leapers

Von Ryan’s Leapers

Whoever this unfortunate Von Ryan was, he has a truly horrifying creature named after him. These Leapers take genetic elements from Hormagaunts and Lictors, combining their best qualities to create a deadly melee threat. Von Ryan’s Leapers move exceedingly fast thanks to their balancing tails, and their smaller size makes them especially good ambush predators.

Von Ryan’s are some dope models we’ve seen before, but still, don’t forget as they are in this box!


New tyranids 3

You can’t beat a classic, and we’ve seen plenty of the Termagants already. You get a pile of them in the Leviathan box – 20 in total – and they still come with those adorable Ripper Swarms we all know and love. 

Just like the Leapers, we saw these before, but they are in this new box, so keep them in your mind!



Barbgaunts are a Tyranid artillery-organism, working closer to the front line than Hive Guard and Biovores. The bio-cannons on their backs are actually bonded with the same parasitic organism that has enslaved the rest of the gaunt to its will, merging body and weapon into a single lethal entity.

As a new ranged option for Tyranids that is more short-ranged and “frag-like,” this is exciting! At the very least, it’s a fantastic new mini to hobby on.



The massive Psychophage is an organic furnace that gobbles up enemies and turns their essence into a raging psychoclastic torrent. Their favourite food is psykers, and the mass of whipping tentacles around their gaping maw can strip the mind from the warp-inclined before they can lift their magic book/staff/orb in defence. This creature’s massive bulk and terrifying fanged maw harks back to the Haruspex, but the Psychophage has a much more selective diet in mind. 


As the final big model for Tyranids in the box, this might be the flashiest! With some insane detail and a giant body, this will always be a sight to behold on the tabletop.

If you want to see more, check out the official GW trailer below!

25 New Space Marines Miniatures Inside Leviathan 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Starter Set

Straight from WHC, we’ve got a full breakdown of all 25 new Space Marines that are coming in the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Leviathan Starter Set!

Leviathan Space marine army

Space Marines Captain in Terminator Armour

captain in terminator armour

The leader of this strike force is a captain resplendent in ornate Terminator armour. His scenic base features the severed head of a Screamer-Killer half-buried in the dirt – so at least we know he’s got the chops to deal with that live Screamer-Killer in the Tyranid force. The captain pictured on the box is none other than Severus Agemman, but don’t worry if you’re not a son of Macragge – the miniature itself is Chapter-agnostic, so you can have him represent a captain from any Chapter you like.

terminator captain leviathan

With Terminators leading the charge as the first 10th edition models previewed, it only makes sense that a new Terminator Captain was following behind!

terminator captain leviathan

Librarian in Terminator Armour

Librarian in Terminator Armour details

In the absence of the flowing robes that usually mark members of the Librarium, our psychic champion has opted for plenty of runic ornamentations on his Terminator armour. He’s also sporting the classic horned skull icon, worn by Librarians since the days of Rogue Trader.

Lib and termiesAlongside the Captian and Terminators is a new Librarian to help combat the Tyranid’s Psychic Powers!

Lieutenant with Combi-flamer

Lieutenant with Combi-flamer

This lone wolf has more than a few Tyranid trophies hanging off his armour, which we’re sure aren’t Codex-compliant. The alien chitin carapace down his right shoulder and arm should come in pretty handy against the acidic ichor coating his blade and, if you include the one stuck into his scenic base, this Phobos Lieutenant has upgraded to three knives.

sm lt with knives

Arguably one of the most bad-ass, un-named, Space Marine models ever, this Lt. does not mess around and is a fantastic miniature through and through.

Apothecary Biologis

apothecary biologis

The new Apothecary Biologis is a scientist rather than a doctor, and takes to the field without his narthecium. Instead, he’s suited up in thick Gravis armour for front-line service, where he uses the advanced vivispectrum attached to his backpack and wrist to analyse fallen foes in order to learn their weaknesses. 

apothecary biologus

In the stream, they said that this isn’t going to be healing much, but rather buffing nearby models after examing fallen foes! Definitely an interesting take on scientists.

Sternguard Veterans

sternguard veterans

The Sternguard Veterans are true masters in the use of the holy boltgun, and come to battle with an array of deadly bolter variants. They primarily wear Tacticus armour, but it has been adorned with relics and combined with parts from older armour marks to demonstrate their station in the Chapter.

Dread and vets

As a new Veteran kit, these usually bring quite a punch to the tabletop, but they are also sweet hobby projects with unique aspects you don’t see on normal troops!

Infernus Squad

infernus squad

After the pyreblaster proved to be so popular among Black Templars Crusader squads, it’s no surprise to see it rolled out across other Space Marine Chapters. These Infernus squads are exactly the right remedy for a nasty case of the Tyranids, and with 10 of them in the box, they’re easily enough to roast those xenos into oblivion.

infernus rules

This new flamer-only unit is sure to have a strong landing, and thanks to this sneaky rules preview, we can get a better idea of their performance too!  Looks like they will force a battleshock test on one enemy unit if they even get hit by it.

Spare Marines Terminators

New Terminators 4

Leading the assault are the much-improved new Space Marine Terminators. These juggernauts of death have been rescaled and resculpted to look as imposing as the lore demands. If Tyranids could feel fear… they would fear these guys.

As one of the most iconic, popular, and well-loved models, new Terminators will go a long way! This will significantly impact the look and feel of Warhammer 40k on tabletop since tons of people will be using them!

New Terminators 5

Here we can see the scale of the updated Terminator next to a Primaris marine and the older terminator. A bulkier, more intimidating model is a perfect fit for these durable threats.

As we know, the new Terminators are an awesome update on a classic, and not too much of their iconic design has changed, save updated proportions and a pretty hefty increase in size.* The new teleport homer is also rather fancy, as befits one of the stars of the cinematic trailer.

Ballistus Dreadnought

ballistus dreadnought

The Ballistus Dreadnought is built from the powerful Redemptor chassis, but it shares a loadout with Dreadnoughts from an earlier era. The combination of a twin-linked lascannon and missile launcher is a Space Marine classic, brought into the modern age just in time to blow holes in the larger Tyranid monsters. 

ballistus dread rules

Just like the Infernus, Dreadnoughts are awesome, and with these rules, we know they will hit very hard with their tremendous ranged firepower! Just remember that after he takes eight wounds, he will be hitting at -1 due to being “Damaged.”

This guy is a throwback to the classic “Mortis” Pattern Dreadnoughts of yesteryear as well

ballistus mortis pattern dreadnought

If you are itching for more, check out their full reveal trailer below!

Leviathan Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Starter Box Price (May 1st, 2023)

The pricing info comes from GW’s newsletter about the Leviathan contest.

Leviathan 10th Edition Starter Box PriceThis is from the UK site, and it pretty clearly says the value of the contents of the prizes are worth £150 and AUD $420.

Editor’s note, previous versions of this terms and conditions page were rumored to also have included it for €200 and $245. However, using GW’s unique method of charging more for their products in local currencies (called arbitrage), the comparable price for the starter set appears to be $230 and €185, respectively.

That being said, we’re not sure why they left the AUD and GBP only listed, but maybe they have the actual cost of those boxes for only two currencies, and the other currencies will still fluctuate.

As we said, this could have been a mistake, and they had to put some price for those countries to be a legal giveaway, or maybe they just have the prices locked in for two countries and not the rest. 

leviathan reveal starter set 10th Edtioin unboxing contentsIt’s interesting to see the price increase from Indomitus. If you remember, Indomitus was $199, so if the $245 price is correct, this is an increase of nearly 25% over Indomitus from just 2020. 

Furthermore, a price of $230 would mean an increase of roughly 15% and may end up being more accurate as the Battleforces are now all $230 after the February price increases. 

Indomitus box 9th edition 40k

However, with the current price increases, it does make sense with their current pricing structure. While we don’t want the price to go up, it would be hard for us to expect the price to stay the same after three years, and there still should be a ton of value in the box as it already has 72 miniatures compared to 61 from Indomitus.

New Winged Tyranid Prime: (April 24th, 2023)

The model comes from Warhammer Community.

Winged Tyranid Prime

The Hive Mind has understood that simply walking up to your enemies sometimes won’t cut it. So it has had a little Hive Mind think about it and come up with a hive-style solution: wings!

Why walk when you can fly? Especially considering the Terminators are beefing up in size, you need to get to them as fast as possible! This new Prime model itself is pretty interesting, and maybe there will be an option to have the wings spread out more, like in the trailer.

Winged Tyranid Prime 5


Winged Tyranid Prime 6

With this stroke of inspiration, the Winged Tyranid Prime is born! With frightening speed and manoeuvrability they can drop down into the midst of the foe, slicing and ripping apart anything that gets too close.* 

As a Tyranid Prime, it boasts the strength and synaptic might of an alpha war-beast. And just look at that face – if you were a Hormagaunt and this thing told you to jump, you’d also ask how high…

They really only showed off one angle in the post, but luckily, there are some more in the video! Overall, it’s a pretty great looking mini and should be fun to throw down on the table and hobby on!

Tyranids Ripper Swarms 2

* They slice things up so small that the Ripper Swarms barely have to chew.

Interestingly, they do mention Ripper Swarms in this post, which seems to hint at the new Rippers we saw hidden in plain sight recently as well!

Check out the latest for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, new releases, rules, rumors, and more!

Space Marines Terminator Librarian: (April 17th, 2023)

As you can see from the GW reveal the model is really dope and takes plenty of inspiration from the older models, but upgrades the look to now!

New Terminator Librarian

Librarians are the battle psykers of the Space Marines. Those that earn the right can don the sacred Terminator Armour of the First Company for battle, allowing them to lend a lethal psychic edge to elite infantry spearheads, whether that is in gruelling boarding actions, ferocious urban fighting, or on the front line against overwhelming enemy numbers.

 Psychic will be far different in 10th, so hopefully, they will put the rules out very soon for that

New Terminator Librarian 2

The new Librarian is clad in the finest artificer-wrought armour a Chapter can provide, engraved with special wards to avert any nasty side effects from his psychic powers. Unlike Njal Stormcaller of the Space Wolves or Mephiston of the Blood Angels, this guy is Chapter-agnostic – featuring no specific symbols or logos – so you can easily add him to your existing force.

There are plenty of little details all over the place, and the runes should be pretty fun to paint up! We expect all these new models to be in the starter box, so hopefully, we’ll be able to score it before too long.

New Terminator Librarian 3

If you want to see everything we spotted in the teaser video, check that out here, as there are plenty more minis to go!

Tyranids Von Ryan’s Leapers Jump Into 10th Edition Warhammer 40k: (April 10th, 2023)

The models come from Warhammer Community.

Von Ryan’s Leapers

We thought the new Space Marines Lieutenant was stealthy, but he’s just the product of decades of training in the art of subterfuge. By comparison, a new creature unleashed by the Tyranids has been spawned and evolved to become one of the galaxy’s ultimate hunters.

These definitely look scary, and when compared with the video teaser, they look even more frightening!

10th edition Tyranids 5The video is a little blurry (well, just the screenshot of them attacking), but you can see all the model elements! Don’t worry; they also show more in the video below.

Von Ryan’s Leapers 2


Von Ryan’s Leapers 3

The Hive Mind has numerous ways of waging war – overwhelming the foe with hordes of Termagants, melting bastions apart with the living artillery of the Tyrannofex, or by ambushing with more subtle fear-inducing organisms such as the Lictor. Added to this last list are the Von Ryan’s Leapers. These creatures are the ultimate ambush predators, though they’re just as dangerous when jumping out from behind things that aren’t bushes.

It looks like there will be three models in the kit, and if you remember, these have been mentioned in lore a few times.

von ryans leaper

They were mentioned long ago in the TCG, and the old 4th Edition codex book as “an evolution of the Hormagaunt” now, having a model is fantastic. This gives some hope for older models mentioned in old 3rd-5th edition codexes (but don’t get your hopes too high).

Von Ryan’s Leapers 4

Von Ryan’s Leapers are swift, agile, and utterly lethal. When the time is right, they emerge to eviscerate their unfortunate enemies in a murderous fury. As ambush predators, they have much in common with Lictors, but rather than being lonewolves, these are pack-hunters.

This means there is still a chance for new Lictors, and having a pack of three of these come at you has to be scarier. You’ll have more ways than ever to hunt down Space Marines!

Veteran Space Marine Lieutenant: (April 3rd, 2023)

GW revealed a new veteran-style Space Marine Lieutenant with plenty of Tyranids trophies attached.

Space Marines Lieutenant 2

As you can see, the new design takes several cues from the existing Reiver Lieutenant and Phobos Lieutenant. As a veteran operative fighting a desperate guerilla war on frontier worlds, he’s had to make do and mend with his gear – yes, that is Tyranid chitin used as a makeshift replacement shoulder pad.

This model is really cool with a ton of Nid trophies and bits, so a perfect model to kick off the new war! Not only that, he will have a tiny tactical rock and a Tyranid body part to stand on!

Space Marines Lieutenant 3

In order to save ammunition for his combi-weapon, he’s become even more of an expert with his paired combat blades – check out that ichor dripping from one, implying another critical hit against a vile xenos. He takes his cues from classic Tyranid Hunters, including trophies, a three-clawed facial scar, and a combi-flamer – the preferred weapon of a certain Chaplain Cassius.

As you can see, he looks almost identical to the video, so it should be a good indication of the rest of the models.

Space Marines Lieutenant

If you thought that Sly Marbo was the Imperium’s only one-man army, think again. These new Lieutenants are expert assassins and skilled intelligence gatherers – they blend into the jungle (or desert, tundra, or wherever else they’re fighting), and get behind the lines and inside their enemy’s minds. In fact, they’re so efficient by the time the main Space Marines force arrives, the Lieutenants often have their feet up with a cup of tea, the war having been already won.

We’ll have to see where they go with the rules, but let’s hope they make the combat knives effective!

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Trailer Reveals New Space Marines & Tyranids Miniatures: (March 22nd, 2023)

First off, if you haven’t watched the video above, you should! It’s intense! We’ve also included some of our favorite stills below, but there are tons of potential teases for new models packed into the trailer, so see what you can notice!

What we saw included potential new models for a Terminator Librarian, a new Redemptor Dreadnought, a new Infiltrator-like troop, a new Tyranid Psyker, and potentially a rework of the classic Screamer Killer Carnifex with bioplasma attack.

Plus what looked to be even more new Tyranids as well!  We are sure there might even be more new models hidden in plain sight after the community takes its time to dive into the frames!

New Terminators


Space hulk new 2


Space Hulk

Plus, we got a look at two new confirmed models right off the bat!

New Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Terminators & Termagants Miniatures for Starter Box Set

New Terminators 4

Leading the assault are the much-improved new Space Marine Terminators. These juggernauts of death have been rescaled and resculpted to look as imposing as the lore demands. If Tyranids could feel fear… they would fear these guys.

As one of the most iconic, popular, and well-loved models, new Terminators will go a long way! This will significantly impact the look and feel of Warhammer 40k on tabletop since tons of people will be using them!

New Terminators 5

Here we can see the scale of the updated Terminator next to a Primaris marine and the older terminator. A bulkier, more intimidating model is a perfect fit for these durable threats.

Games Workshop went back and looked at 30 years of Terminators and revealed more about the new 10th Edition models in a recent post!

Terminators 10th Edition

Terminator armour first appeared in 1988 with a unique high-shouldered armour design. However, 1989 was truly the year of the Terminator with several iconic new designs added to the armoury. Issue 112 of White Dwarf laid out the background for this formidable wargear and established the style of Terminator armour we know and love today. The first edition of Space Hulk was released a mere month later, cementing that age-old rivalry with Genestealers.

Terminators aka Tactical Dreadnought Armor, have come a long way, but the models have always been really cool and just so iconic!

Terminators 10th Edition 2

It is this pattern that forms the basis for the new Terminators, now substantially filled out to match the scale, and the increased detail, of modern Space Marines.

Together as a group of five, they look pretty awesome, and now teleporting them in will be even more cinematic!

Terminators 10th Edition 3

Obviously, you can paint them up however you want, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting chapter-specific bits for a little while.

Be sure to check out the video below for more details on the new Terminators!

New Tyranids Termagants Miniatures

New tyranids 3

What would a Tyranid army be without its swarm of lesser creatures though? Even the humble Termagant is getting quite the glow-up

If you want to get an idea of what else might be included in the new edition’s launch set, we suggest you go back and watch that awesome cinematic again… 

Of course, just like the Terminator, players of Tyranids will love this new model update, as they are a vital part of the Tyranid lineup! Not to mention the Tyranids will clearly be getting tons of new models, just like the Necrons did on the last edition’s release!

New tyranids 4

Here again, we see a size comparison, with the new model keeping very close to the original design, except getting much more detailed and slightly larger!

Lots more previews and teasers are on the way as we head into summer and the official launch of the new edition!

Games Workshop Makes a New Website For 10th Edition: (March 22, 2023)

Behold the new look for the Warhammer 40,000 website.

Games Workshop New Website for 10thAs you can see, the date says March 23rd, the day after (or the day of in the UK) their AdeptiCon preview. They have also chosen to use thee image of th Tyranid staring down the Terminator, which at first we really thought had to be the new 10th edition 40k starter set.

However, in the more recent preview, they actually put the words Space and Hulk in the video description.

Give this brutal hulk some space to deal with the xenos infestation!

There’s a good chance they will announce the new 40k edition soon but hold actual 10th previews for Warhammer Fest in May.

It’s even possible that GW will preview Space Hulk (or even the Lion) now to tide everyone over until the actual reveals begin for 10th Edition later on.

There does also seem to be a spot for other 40k games on the current website navigation bar, so even if we see Space Hulk it may be on this tab with the other 40k sub-games.

Games Workshop Previews New Space Hulk & Not 10th Edition: (March 22, 2023)

Coming from Warhammer Community, from the looks and sounds of it, GW might be previewing the new Space Hulk at the AdeptiCon and not 10th edition 40k!

Terminators Teaser 2

Something is happening at the fringes of the Imperium, but as for what…

All eyes now look to the reveals coming at AdeptiCon later this week.

This is the inverse of last week’s preview, where we now see the Terminator and what is in his gaze. If you ask us, this pretty clearly looks like an Ultramarine, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that any new miniatures couldn’t be for something other than Ultras.

Perhaps more importantly, they say in the video:

Give this brutal hulk some space to deal with the xenos infestation!

This does give some credence to the Space Hulk rumors as they basically spell out Space Hulk, just a little disordered. Either way, from the article and the video, this seems to indicate what will be the big reveal at AdpetiCon 2023 will actually be!

space hulk lore space marinesWe had previously heard Space Hulk was coming in the summer of 2022, but that chatter was abruptly cut short with the 2022 April Fools day emergence of the Leagues of Votann.

However, with Games Workshop now re-igniting Space Hulk rumors, perhaps there is a chance we will be seeing sweet new Terminators and Genestealer models outside of a Warhammer 40k Starter box set sooner than later…

GW Confirms 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Starter Box Set & Rumors (March 12th, 2023)

Warhammer Community posted up this teaser image with the following caption.

What could this mean?

We’re not sure, but we’re excited…

10th edition starter set rumors warhammer 40k games workshop

So right off the bat, you can see what appears to be a Space Marine Terminator in the eye of some sort of Tyrnaids organism.

If you have been following the rumors, that we will recap below, these are supposedly the contents of the new Warhammer 40k starter box for 10th Edition.

Furthermore, you may notice the “scarlet” stripe is missing from the Warhammer 40k logo that appeared in for 9th Edition. That may be a clear indication that this teaser is for a new edition of the game.

The right shoulder pad of the Terminator also appears to be slightly different, but it could just be artistic liberty as well.

9th warhammer 40k banner

9th Edition Warhammer 40k Logo

10th edition warhammer 40k logo

10th Edition Warhammer 40k logo- no scarlet stripe?

The logo in the teaser video did, however, include the “scarlet” stripe in contrast to the logo in their teaser image.

Here’s everything we have heard about new Tyranids, Terminators, and the 10th Edition starter sets so far.

RUMORS: New 40k 10th Edition Starter Box, Terminators, & Tyranids: (January 19th, 2023)

These rumors come from this Valrak video, and he says this is all from a trusted source. A lot of this seems to line up with ther previous ones too!

tyranids-codex-rules-rumors-book1We’ll start with Tyranids and the starter box. First, a lot of people are looking at June as the launch of 10th edition, and that means a giant new starter box!

In the box will be Space Marines and Tyranids. We’ve extensively discussed all the possible new Space Marines units (which you can check out here) but haven’t heard as much about the Tyranids. However, from the sounds of it, they will be getting as much love as the Necrons did when they were in Indomitus (the 9th edition starter set), meaning huge model reworks, new codex, and even new units!

They really need an overhaul as some of their units are quite old. So far, they have heard that Biovores, Lictors, possibly Genestealers, and Pyrovores. We’ve seen some rumor engines supporting this, but we’ll have to wait for something new to release to be sure.

New Space Marines Terminators 

10th edition starterLastly, new Terminators models may also be coming soon! From these rumors, they will not be Primaris; they will stay firstborn and just scaled up and retooled.


These new models will be chunkier, so they stand up to Primaris scale better, and also, they will also be in the 10th edition box! Lastly, we got a rumored statline for them from Bolter and Chainsword.

4W – S4 – T5 – 3A – 2+/4++ Sv. 

We’ll have to see how it plays out, but these are some interesting rumors!

We would expect to see more about 10th Edtion Warhammer 40k, possibly at the Adepticon 2023 preview on Wednesday, March 22nd, as well as at Warhammer Fest in May.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about these new 10th Edition Warhammer rumors for the new Tyranids Space Marines Starter Box Set teaser? 

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