Imperial Knight “Crusader” – Giveaway

Imperial Knight “Crusader” was painted by us through the inspiration taken from Christian crusades and some of the Latin quotes. The cool thing?

You can win him in our facebook contest!

See how you can Win this imperial Knight together with other cool prizes

Since we have done a lot of work on the Imperial Knights we wanted to try do something really special with this awesome model. We took inspiration form christian crusades, starting from the colors – white and red together with non-metallic gold. We also make free hand on the shield that takes elements from Templar signs.

We wanted also to put some Latin quotes on him, so we choosen some of them, that in our opinion would fit best to the 40k universe. Finally we decided to put:
“Dies Irea” – day of wrath
“Per Aspera Ad astra” – Through thorns to the stars
“Hospes, hostis” – every unfamiliar to us is an enemy

We thought that Per Aspera Ad Astra esspecially fits to this miniature, so we additionally expressed it with free-hand thorns painted on the armor and banner, battle damage and a base. Overall we wanted to create very unique look of Crusader fight for the Golden Throne in the numerous words.

The cool thing about this miniature is that we decided to give it away to the community in a competition together with other prizes:
75$ voucher on our services
Opportunity to name the topic of the next painting tutorial we will create.

You can take part in the contest by going to our facebook page:

Post with all the details:

We want to show our work up to date, and we thought letting the community benefit in a way, will be the best way to do it 😉 Hope you will enjoy, and a good luck in the contest!