NEW DATASLATES – GW Advent Calendar Coming Soon?

By Rob Baer | November 30th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Remember last year when Games Workshop dropped over twenty days of new supplements on us in December? Well December starts tomorrow, so what do we have to look forward to, if anything?

Most people can agree that the way Games Workshop does business these days is even more eclectic that they did in the past.  They started releasing miniatures and supplements at a frenetic rate following the advent calendar last year and the revamping of the White Dwarf in February.


So will we see new supplements starting tomorrow or later in the week?

Well as of right now there is nothing concrete to suggest that, and the fact that we have the first substantial new release (Blood Angels) in December may mean that GW’s strategy has shifted entirely in a different direction.

For instance, remember those yearly “price adjustments” every June? We didn’t have one this year, BUT they did drop 7th Edition 40k around the same time, perhaps to make up somewhat that loss of revenue?

Either way it’s hard to say for sure, because no one seems to be able to put a finger on what’s going on at Games Workshop HQ as of late.

But here’s look towards the future, and living in more exciting gaming times! -MBG