NEW MODELS – Tracked Infantry Kit Ad Mech

By Rob Baer | April 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


If you thought the Elctro-Priests sounded cool, these new rumors are out of the park.

It looks like the next Adeptus Mechanicus release is full of surprises. First we heard of new Knight Titan Variants that may be part of the same release, and now these new tracked Infantry models sound like the kinds of models we’ve been waiting on for years.

Via Captain Citadel

The Second combo kit for the new Mechanicus will feature tracked conveyor infantry models who resemble cybernetic terminators cut at the waist and attached to set of small triangle treads.

One unit type will be heavily armored, and decked out for close quarters engagements.
The second is less armored, and features two types of cannon; a plasma cannon varainat, and a larger calibre weapon.

They are on 50mm bases.

Remember the story of the Kaban Machine (see title picture)? These sound a lot like that tracked monstrosity, just a tad bit smaller.

If you were excited about first Adeptus Mechanicus release, you may be ecstatic about these new cult models.

Cult Mechanicus Roundup

We’re not on Olympus Mons anymore…