40k Flashback – 90’s Legion of The Damned

By Rob Baer | May 2nd, 2015 | Categories: 40k Flashback
lotd legion of the damned
If you think the Legion of the Damned are some of the coolest models now, you should have seen them ‘back in the day’.

Today I would like to share with you a squad of Legion of the Damned that I painted up in the 90’s. I wasn’t the best painter back then, but I tried hard.

I may sound old here, but we didn’t have the internet back then to learn how to paint, we had to read books. Sometimes I even had to try and coax the old painter guys at the local game shop to impart me with some shred of painting knowledge by buying them trips to the Chinese buffet next store.

Eventually I learned the fabled technique of drybrushing, and with that skill the painting world was mine…. or something like that.

Needless to say it was rough. But I still had fun painting and converting just the same. Obviously these aren’t my best work, but good or not they will always have a place in my hobby heart.

Enjoy the pics below, and have a great weekend!

Whats you favorite older squad of figures? I’ve always been partial to my LoTD. -MBG