NEW DARK ANGELS – Releases & Pricing

By Rob Baer | June 15th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

chaos dark angels
Looks this mornings video has the birds chirping. Come see what may be in store for the Dark Angels soon!

Via Master Sheol

Preorder 20/06… Release 27/06
Codex DA 160 pages 46€
(It is Said to have 3 different decurion style detachments -GW, RW, DW- and several formations)
DA datacards 10€
Interrogator Chaplain 23€
(Via my FLGS).

Looks like Games Workshop is already working the pre-orders for the new Dark Angels. Let’s break it down a bit.
new chaplain
We know that the Chaplain model is probably on the way, as the White Dwarf visions has tons of pictures of him all over it, and he graces the cover of WD #73. Plus next week’s paint splatter teaser is; “Dark, but not black”.
Next up is the pricing; Let’s see how that sorts out to the dollar.

Codex DA 160 pages 46€ = ~$50

DA datacards 10€ = ~$12
Interrogator Chaplain 23€ = ~$25

So the pricing is about on point, and a release BEFORE the July 4th Weekend seems like a good idea business wise. I imagine a lot of us here in the states will be busy that weekend and toy soldiering may take a back seat for at least a day!
It seems like for the first time ever the Dark Angels may be getting the rules respect they deserve from their ‘cousins’ the Space Marines.  I can’t wait to see what these new Decurion style formations will be about!

Space Marine Roundup