40k Titans, Sigmar, & Airbrush Paints – WD 83 Leaks?

By Rob Baer | August 21st, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


The sky is falling as it looks like White Dwarf 83 has been spoiled BEFORE the release of WD 82! Come see the latest!

Generally these leaks are from a reliable source, and if this pans out September is looking very exciting indeed!

ghal maraz sigmar reunited

via Faeit 8-21-2015

With Angelic Wings he wields Ghal Maraz and floats above the large round base on a spiral of astral air. His wings are in a starburst pattern. Very nice and highly detailed model. from the other pictures it seems that his height matches that of the new bloodthirster.
The Celestant-Prime isn’t Sigmar, He’s the first Stormcast Eternal created and he’s a special
character (rules say you can only include 1)
The title for issue 83 is
The Hammer of Sigmar
Wielding Ghal Maraz itself, the Celestant-Prime strikes like a comet!There’s also a new range of Citadel airbrush colours, 51 in total.Hints for the week after – Death from the skies, A new Tome of Battle, Raise Shields.
Also some more info about the airbrush colours. The 51 colours are from
the same range that we currently have not totally new colours. So calgar
blue, evil sunz scarlet, ulthuan grey etc. There’s also a Caste Thinner and one Cleaner.
Well I imagine now we’re talking about 40k, AND perhaps some sort of Titan, as those seem to be the only things that get shields for the most part?
More as we know it folks. Late summer definitely seems to be heating up now

New Age of Sigmar & Sept Releases Roundup