Massing at Sullust – NEW Star Wars Armada Event

By Rob Baer | August 27th, 2015 | Categories: FFG / Asmodee, Star Wars, Star Wars Armada


Want some FREE Star Wars ARMADA ships? Come see how you can battle your way to the top, and snag some free swag too!

FFG is promoting the launch of the Wave 2 Ships including the giant Imperial Star Destroyer and the Mon Cal MC80 Home One with a special event called “Massing at Sullust”.


What is Massing at Sullust?

Massing at Sullust is a preview event held by retailers on October 2nd-4th.  Retailers will need to sign up and get a “Massing at Sullust” event kit.

Player will compete at the event using standard 300 pt ARMADA fleets and in the final event round, the top two players at each location will create new 400pt lists using the Wave II Ships provided!

After the final round is over, players take home the Wave goodies for free according to this chart:


  • 1st Place – First choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
  • 2nd Place – Second choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
  • 3rd Place – Third choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
  • 4th Place – Fourth choice of one The Massing at Sullust preview expansion
  • Top 16 – One commemorative Imperial II-class Star Destroyer ship card with extended art

So if you love Star Wars ARMADA Admirals, go tell your local FLGS to get a Massing at Sullust event pack and get list building.  You may walk away with some free Wave II ships in early October!



FFG says Wave II will hit the shelves in Q4 of 2015.

~ What of the reports of the Rebels massing at Sullust?