New Forge World Pictures – Tau, Blood Angels & More


Another Forge World Open is happening over the weekend in the Netherlands. Checkout the pictures and information that’s coming out of the event!

Battlebunnies is on the scene again, always first to cover these events for the rest of us that are not lucky enough to live close.

Here’s some pictures of the new stuff they found!


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Checkout the link below for more pictures of the Event!

FW Amsterdam Roundup


And from Bolter and Chainsword’s AlphariousOmegran108 we have a name for the next Horus Heresy Book!

Mark Bedfort is drawing ALOT of dark mechanicus drawings!

Dark Mechanicus Daemon Engines are supposed to be later in the heresy – only early experiments with daemons yet^^

Raven Guard Mor Deythan squad is nearly finished and should be up for pre-order soon.

Raven Guard Dark Furies are finished (but not shown), Iron Warriors Siege Tyrant Terminators are in WIP stage.

Ordinatus is finished.

Solar Auxilia Veneratis Storm section with power axes is finished.

Looks like Book VI will include both the Shattered Legions – and an early Dark Mechanicus list (finally! but it seems rules only, no new models)

Prospero will come out after the basic models for it are done – so Custodes, Sisters, Wolves and TS

Upgrade Kits, Transfers, Dreadnoughts should be out before the book hits^^

Book VI is still scheduled as said back at the last events, Retaliation with Shattered Legions vs Iron Warriors.

HH Masterclass book – scheduled around christmas

Regarding Skitarii/Cult Mechanicus: They are working on dark mechanicum first

Regarding the Iron Warrior torsos: They have no clue what the star is 😛

Regarding Knight support infantry: Solar auxillia are supposed to be the guards for the knights.


Which was also Seconded by B&C’s m_r_parker

From what I heard regarding Book VI:
It has been floated that the name is ‘Retaliation’, and will be a Conquest-esque tome focussed on the Shattered Legions (Iron Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard) taking the fight back to the traitors, specifically the Iron Warriors.
It won’t feature the traditional introduction of a Legion, with it’s rules / characters / units / Primarch, but will feature a mechanism for creating a Shattered Legion force for both sides of the Heresy (both loyalist and traitor).

I believe it’s also been mentioned that this book will contain the Legion rules for the Blood Angels, Dark Angels and White Scars – but will be restricted to Legion rules and Rites of War, and will not include any legion-specific units or characters (or Primarchs).

This is to enable those waiting to do these Legions to start whilst they wait for their tomes to come out. This ties in with the upgrade packs coming out before the end of the year. I don’t know if this will also contain the Wolves and Thousand Sons, but I have a feeling it won’t and will be covered in the detail it requires in the Prospero book.

We may also see other elements of non-Astartes forces as well as other elements not tied to Legions – but this may not be this book, and may be covered later. At the Open Day Alan Bligh was talking about various things that he wanted to do, like dark assassins and ‘agents of the Warmaster’. MIght not be for this book, but could be later.


Book VI will probably arrive in November like the last 3 previous years, then it looks to be on to Prospero?

Checkout the link below for more pictures of the Event!

FW Amsterdam Roundup


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