New Games Workshop 40k Teasers – 2015 Open Day

By Rob Baer | September 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors
tau riptide
Something BIG is coming this October to Warhammer 40k, are you ready? Come see the latest teasers from Games Workshop themselves!

We’re packing in more and better content than ever before, to provide you with the biggest and best Warhammer 40,000 Open Days yet!
  • Choose which day you want to come along to, or come to both and make a weekend of it! Exciting new miniatures, new products and exclusive products to buy – Including an Open Day only t-shirt.
  • Access to the Warhammer World Exhibition included, and Armies on Parade Special Exhibition.
  • Be first to see our new display diorama! Huge Warhammer 40,000 Army Display (Saturday only).
  • Golden Demon: Space Marines painting competition (Sunday only). Spectacular participation gaming and bring and battle tables.
  • New Hobby Demonstrations, Revealing Seminars and meet the minds behind Warhammer 40,000 in the Studio Zone.

On the Warhammer 40,000 Open Days you’ll be amongst the first to pick up brand new products, new Warhammer World exclusive products, and Open Day only event exclusives!


Exclusive things to buy

… your event exclusive t-shirt – only available at Warhammer World, only on these two days.
  • The design is top secret, but we’ll be revealing more closer to the event.
  • The only place to get Warhammer 40,00 Open Day event exclusive t-shirts – only available at Warhammer World, only on these two days.
  • Your first chance to get the Warhammer World exclusive Warlord Titan head variant!Your first chance to get Emperor’s Children or Ravenguard t-shirts. Your first chance to get new Forge World miniatures.
  • Of course, as well as these great new or event only products, you can use the Warhammer 40,000 Open Days as a chance to get some of Warhammer World’s exclusive merchandise


… the exclusive to Warhammer World Warlord Titan head variant!
Well this is the SECOND time GW has teased us with this event, so I feel like it would behoove us to keep our ears open that weekend for sure!
Now from this latest missive from GW it looks like whatever their BIG new thing will be from the event, they will also be selling a T-Shirt version of it as well.  Obviously there will be some Forge World exclusives from the event too, maybe some of the item’s showcased at the Amsterdam Open from this weekend perhaps?
I’m wondering from the choice of T-Shirts on sale if the Ravenguard will finally see the pending new models, decal sheet, and perhaps even their Primarch Corax, as well at this event!
horus walpaper
As to what the big reveal may be that weekend keep in mind that the Horus Heresy is rumored to be dropping in November. If true that seems to make mid October the prefect time to show off the new starter and more.
Or it could be the BIG reveal of the faction on their poster: the Tau.
Keep the previous rumors in mind now:

via “Mikhael” 7-15-2015
Horus Heresy plastic boxed set is coming and is scheduled for November 2015

So now with that provocative little statement, let’s go back a little and refresh everyone’s memory with where we left off:

via Lords of War 2-16-2014
Regarding scheduling of Horus Heresy Plastics
Plastic HH marks of armor in May? You’re way off!

I didn’t say it wasn’t happening. It will not be in May.
I think we’ll see something big in November for sure. I am sure a lot of people out would love it to be Horus Heresy Plastics.

Past GW Open Events