Love Tau? Come see a showcase of a fresh N’dras sept pattern army that is a great alternative to the new whites were seeing from Games Workshop!
This is one part of an army that actually isn’t that old, but I already do miss it quite a lot! This is an N’dras sept Tau army, and a large one at that. I was, and still am, very proud of this army because the customer gave me free artistic licence for the scheme and he was very happy with the end result. I had always thought this scheme looked sharp, and I knew this sort of borderline monochromatic scheme was right up his alley. So I went with it! Let’s see the final results.
This week, it’s all the Fire Warriors and Pathfinders in the army. And there are a lot of them! Holed up behind the Tau themed Aegis line, they stand ready to delete anything that happens to come up on it.
I really like the newer pathfinder models. They aren’t so different that they don’t look right mixed in with perfectly matching out of print casts, and I always enjoy painting models that have a contrast of hard lined armor and soft organic shapes as well, in this case the billowy pants.
Now the Fire Warriors! For these units I used the white accent color to pick out the Shas instead of the blue I used on the suit leaders. On these smaller, more numerous units the blue would get lost, while the white overpowering on the larger suit heads.