The New Archaon of Chaos Model, REVEALED

By Rob Baer | November 27th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

archaon walpaper

The Everchosen is dead, long live the new Exalted Grand Marshall of the Apocalypse. Come see all the new pictures of Archaon and his transformed steed Dorghar.

We’ve known that a new Campaign books if coming for Age of Sigmar and here are the first peeks:

Via Rogue Star and Barcode 11-27-2015

War of the Allpoints Campaign book for Age of Sigmar

“The Allpoints is a bridge that spans reality, a gateway to each of the eight Mortal Realms”


The Everchosen atop his mount



Warriors of Chaos on the march alongside Archaon



Background on the Allpoints

~Look for this campaign book next week!

New Archaon Roundup