Sweet Heresy! The Anglerfish – Conversion Corner

By Joshua Dunkerly | January 18th, 2016 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions, Warhammer 40k News

the anglerfish tau

Wanna know what happens when the Tau and the Imperium of man start exchanging information, HERESY!

Come checkout some sweetly converted models brought to us by hobbiholic Grey Death.

Well I took my Manatee and then my Angler fish and made a New style tank that would fly with the Manatee in that style army.

I also added Magnets this go around.
So all weapons can be changed out with just a click of a magnet.
This Magnatizing also allows you to run the Angler Fish as either a Hammer Head with Ion or Rail Gun…
The Devilfish with the Missiles and the Burst Under the nose.

Yep thats right you get Both Tanks in this one kit.

But Wait If You Act Now theres more! 😆
The tank is much smaller and is now ideal for those special missions for transporting that small and elite unit of Pathfinders.

The kit has been improved to have the Rear access ramp.
the top access hatch which you can put the spotter in or not.
Its not glued and can be set up anyway you want during a game.
You also have the turret underneath with anothe access point.
So your pretty close to being able to pick up and release troops in any fasion not looseing anything over the originals.

The tank is angled nicely as an Angle Fish should be.
And has a very cool look to it.
Nice slopeing front section and the engines have now been attached by magnets so can move and turn and be removed for work etc.

The front burst is magnatized and the ion and rail all magnatized.
Very cool.

I give you the new and Improved Angler Fish Mrk 2




“Our vehicles are better and faster, but at what cost?”

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