Forge World Biggest Flyer? The Stormbird Swoops In!

By Rob Baer | February 6th, 2016 | Categories: Heresy Weekender, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sokar stormbird

Checkout the new Space Marine Legion Sokar pattern Strormbird that has been re-designed and may now be the biggest flyer from Forge World!

Special thanks to the Battlebunnies who are once again on the floor in Nottingham giving us these great pictures.

Via Battlebunnies 2-6-2016

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Hard points for 6 underwing missiles with heavy Bolter turrets on the ends of the wings.
Two Fire-raptor based ball turrets on each side.
And it’s even got a defensive Heavy Bolter turret on the back for good measure.

Forge World made up a whole new display table for the event to showcase the new ‘bird. No word on pricing, but it’s rules can be found in HH Book 5: Tempest I believe!

There’s a huge showcase of the table and the new flyer below on the roundup. Be sure to check it out!

Horus Heresy 2016 Weekender Roundup

Click for More Pictures

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