Star Wars Armada – New Squadrons Incoming

By Barclay Montgomery | August 2nd, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Armada


A big surprise for everyone! Fantasy Flight has just announced their latest expansion for Star Wars Armada: The Corellian Conflict.

Via Fantasy Flight


Join your friends in open warfare to decide the fate the Corellian Sector! The Corellian Conflict campaign expansion for Star Wars™: Armada allows you and up to five of your friends to wage an epic campaign spanning multiple fleet battles. Take sides with the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance, then vie for key hyperlane routes, seize vital shipyards, and establish new bases. Victory depends on your team’s ability to control vital worlds while crushing your foes in battle!

The Corellian Conflict also introduces twelve objectives that expand upon the challenges presented by the objectives in the Core Set. Finally, as you pursue these new paths to victory, you can consider the strategic advantages offered by sixteen unique squadron cards, all of which allow you to field legendary pilots and squadrons of the Galactic Civil War in combat! 


That’s right fols! You can wage epic campaigns through the Correlian sector just like you always wanted. There will be 12 new objectives that will offer a chance to show tactical prowess over your friends as you advance across the stars. A few of the unique squadrons have been previewed! Let’s take a look.


Black Squadron blasts onto the scene as a 9 point squad of TIE fighters, but  these guys are elite. They feature counter 1 and these guys have Escort, meaning they will be tying up the enemy at every turn and will dish out the damage while locking those precious bombers in place.



Ciena Ree is an elite TIE Interceptor squadron that has a very tricky ability. Any attack at this squad will be reduced by one die as it is treated as obstructed while defending. Add in a Brace and a Scatter defense token and this will be one very tough nut to crack.


The legendary Rogue Squadron has just come out of Hyperspace to aid their Rebel allies! An X-Wing squadron with the Rogue ability; what could be more fitting?! X-Wings are known for their versatility, and their Bomber ability comes in handy when attacking those capital ships.

That’s the latest word on the Correllian COnflict expansion. Tune in soon to find out more info as it comes from our Bothan spies! Until next time!

May the Force be with you


About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.