Blood Bowl’s Winter Bowl League Kit: SPOTTED

By Rob Baer | November 10th, 2016 | Categories: Blood Bowl, Warhammer 40k Rumors

blood bowl

Come see the new league kit details of everyone’s favorite fantasy football game: Blood Bowl! Are you ready to celebrate it’s return and get some fresh swag to boot?

TOUCHDOWN! Looks like Blood Bowl will be here for the holidays as the game WILL go on pre-order for $99 Saturday November 19th with a delivery date of the rumored November 25th!

Retail Industry Insiders have confirmed to Spikey Bits that there are multiple “tiers” of pre-orders for this game, maxing out at 100 copies which includes not only a ton of pre-order release swag, but a Blood Bowl Stand Up as well.

The league kit below looks to be what has been described to us as available at the 50 copy level, which incluses launch and league swag for players.

Source the Drobbit Hobby Store (via Miniwars)

Here you can see the promotional Material:
– Full Kit of cheerleaders XD
– Kit “learn to play”
– Kit de WinterBowl Tournament

blood-bowl-winter-bowl blood-bowl-winter-bowl blood-bowl-winter-bowl


Plus don’t miss the sweet EXPANSIONS teasers for the game as well straight from the Starter box itself:

BoLS got a early copy of the game from the folks at Games Workshop, and are sharing with the rest of us!

Let’s get straight to the expansions:


bb-deathzoneDeath Zone looks like Dwarfs are involved…

skavenblight-scramblersAnd the Skavenblight Scramblers are headed your way! It looks like 12 models per team is the norm.

skavenblight-scramblers-blood-bowlYeah – the Scramblers are coming…So are the Dwarfs and more…

Not too much longer now folks. Don’t miss out on the fun as leagues are forming NOW!

blood bowl redo

Blood Bowl Roundup

Who’s ready for some BLOOD BOWL?