More Proof that Sisters of Battle Are On The Way?

By Rob Baer | November 8th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sister-walpaper lg

More talk today about new Sisters of Battle (not silence) as the Games Workshop studio seems to have their hands full with a lot of things as of late.

Remember that quote heard around the world about new Sisters models recently?

Cool this isn’t released for months yet. <Long Pause> Plastic Sisters of Battle!

Well this may just really be in the works, and not the Warhammer TV guys being cheeky.


Well guess what was partially missing from the display cases in Nottingham this weekend, Sisters of Battle of course!

Source: Jarhead (PM via Facebook)

sisters-missing from display cases


We reported the same thing back on July 17th:

This picture was spotted recently at the studio that shows some of the collection of Adepta Sororitas were take out for pictures.  In the past we’ve seen happenings like this herald in an appearance in a new supplement either just for background fluff or for a full rules releases.

sisters of battle new upcoming releases (2)

Remember last year intrepid hobbyists noticed a bunch of Warhammer Fantasy models went missing only to re-appear later with round bases after Age of Sigmar dropped.


One Facebook also recently reported that Sisters of Battle or Adepta Sororitas we’re on a photo shoot again at the GW Studio, could they be re-appearing in a supplement soon?


Source: Adeptus Astartes (Facebook Aug 7th 2016)

Sisters finally getting some love….best hint yet….

(I know it just means they might be in a battle report….but….ask yourself why GW would feature them at all if they were for the scrap heap?)


The Best hint Yet?

More Sisters of Battle Rumors:


Dakka’s MadCowCrazy said:

“…Sisters will be released Q1 next year with a rumored month being Jan-Feb.”

Dakka MOD Reds8n chimed in with this image. Checkout the enlarged the blister labels at the bottom

“ this came up via twitter, pic from warhammer world, apparently.
One assumes they’ll be on sale/display at warhammer world then ?”


Battle Sisters” (LEFT) “Battle Sisters” (Middle) “Sisters of Battle Hospilaler?”(Right)

Sure that could just be GW getting rid of old stock as these are older models… right?


Then Tastey Taste from Blood of Kittens recently went over to Nottingham to speak with Phil Kelly who is really super enthusiastic about the company, but also seems to really care about what folks think about everything going on there of late as well:

By 5:00 Phil got out and we met-up and started to chat. Having only talked to him over email this was my first face to face, and it was great to finally have it happen. He was very nice and we started to talk shop, but we ran through various topics like video games especially virtual reality. As I normally do, I harassed him about coming to American and checking out our events, but as life goes he is pretty busy. I could tell Phil was very proud working for GW and was general inquisitive about fans reactions to the company and design decisions they make.

gw hq sigmar statue golden

That seems to be a very positive thing coming out of Nottingham for sure. Tastey also had to say after hanging out in Bugman’s bar with all those GW staffers and studio folk the following:

Now of course if you have read this far you are curious about any gossip. Well the only things I have to report are what we have heard. First is Sisters of Battle and second is 8th edition are both coming very soon.

However checkout the rest of the story here, as GW seems to be warming up to some of the things that fans and hobbyists everywhere have been talking about (at least here in America) for awhile now:

What was news to me though, was even GW was surpised by  Age of Sigmar sales since the release of the General’s Handbook. So I guess Sigmar is here to stay. Other notes, were staff expressing fatigue with Warhammer 40k. What this means I have no idea, but I imagine it has to do with need for a new edition. It also makes me wonder if 8th isn’t just a tweak, but a BIG change.

Seems like times are a changing at Games Workshop in 2016, and I for one am ready to welcome our new Hobby Overlords in 2017!

new magnus the red primarch

GW’s 2016 New Release Roadmap Roundup

Preferred Enemy: Wallet?