How Cool is the New Legio Custodes Galatus Contemptor?

Galatus Dreadnaught

Welcome back Hobby fans, today Rob has another exciting Forgeworld unboxing for us, the Legio Custodes Contemptor Galatus Dreadnought!

This is the latest release in the Adeptus Custodes model line from Forgeworld.  Its so fresh we don’t even have rules for it yet!  According to the Forgeworld website offical rules will be released in Horus Heresy Book 7: Inferno!

Similar in aspect to the Contemptor Dreadnoughts of the Legiones Astartes, the Contemptor-Galatus is a markedly superior war machine. The unrivalled skills of the warrior entombed within its sarcophagus notwithstanding, the Contemptor-Galatus is stronger, faster and better armoured.

Designed to provide an anchor for a Legio Custodes battleline, the Contemptor-Galatus is armed in similar fashion to the Custodes Sentinel Guard – wielding a huge Galatus Warblade with its inbuilt twin-linked infernus incinerator, and equipped with a vastly enlarged version of the Custodes Praesidium shield. Already able to withstand heavy assaults with its armour and refractor field, the Praesidium shield allows the Contemptor-Galatus stand nigh on impregnable, enduring the enemy onslaught and reaping a murderous toll with its immense power blade.


Forgeworld is changing things up with their new clam packs, packing their products in almost exactly the same packaging as normal GW models.

This bad boy is pretty tough to get  currently, Forgeworld has a 2 week delay shipping them due to high demand!  Although frankly this model is cool enough to warrant any delay!  The Legio Custodes Contemptor-Galatus retails for £56.


Forgeworld is really stepping up their game when it comes to instructions!  The latest batch of Forgeworld kits have these new multicolor instructions, showing optional assemblies, glue contact points and even tips on how to use a heat gun or hairdryer to manipulate the resin to repose the kit!


Check out all those finely detailed peices!  From the Great Crusade Aquilla variant to the Heavy Flamer in the hilt of the sword, this thing is packed with awesome details!

Check out the full unboxing video for Rob’s commentary!