12 New Space Marine Heroes to Collect! New Models Incoming for Japan!

By James Rodriguez | March 19th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

space marineIt was just announced that there will be 12 new Space Marine Heroes revealed in Japan. Come see the first five in the new series of releases!

Games Workshop just revealed a new series of releases on their Japan Facebook page. The Space Marines will be getting 12 new heroes. Let’s take a look.

Space Marines 12 Heroes Collect

Translated via Facebook:

We are excited to be announcing a new product for Games Workshop Japan at this Year’s Nuremberg Toy Fair. If you are attending make sure to stop by our booth in Hall 7 stand B-59
We are very excited to announce the new product at the nyurunberugu toy fair this year!
If you are participating in the Hall 7 stand b-59 for booth to stop by!
You’re gonna have to wait and see what’s going on.

The first Space Marine heroes in the series will be making there debut at the Nuremberg Toy Fair. Set to be a total of 12 new heroes we can expect to see more coming up in the future.. Borther Dolor, Brother Remus, Brother-Sergeant Sevastus, Brother Calistus, and Brother Cast have all been announced in the first part of this series. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

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