Top 10 Adepticon 2017 AoS Doubles Armies

By Guest Author | March 24th, 2017 | Categories: Adepticon 2017, Age of Sigmar, Armies on Parade

Bad Moon

Welcome back Hobby fans, today were bringing you the hottest armies straight from today’s Age of Sigmar Doubles event at Adepticon!

Adepticon always brings out the best armies, here are just a few of the amazing collections on display today!

This wicked pairing of Sylvaneth and Daughters of Khaine sports an amazing themed base and killer paint jobs!


This fantastic Sylvaneth army brought it’s own trees to the table!  Can you spot all the models hiding in the trees?

Dark SylvanethThese Orruc’s might regret teaming up with a Lord of Change and its minions…


These Stormcast Eternals have decided to use this recently liberated Orruk stronghold for their base!

Red Sigmarines

Orruks below, Seraphon on top, that’s a powerful combination!


Undead and Stormcast Eternals?  What brought these old foes together?


Another Fantastic Sylvaneth army with another huge batch of trees!


This killer lava themed Orruc and Ogor collection is really heating up the competition!

Thunder Buddies

These Tzeentch Daemons brought their own grimoire to the table!

Tzeentch Daemons

Two mirrored Tzeentch Daemon forces are teamed up to confuse their foes!

Tzeentch Horrors

Checkout Adepticon’s website for the full even line-up list, as we’ll try to cover as much as we can! Checkout the links below for our last eight years of covering the event from the hobby trenches, it’s been a blast.

Adepticon 2017 Coverage


Adepticon 2016 Coverage

 Adepticon 2015 Coverage

Adepticon 2014 Coverage

Adepticon 2013 Coverage

Adepticon 2012 Coverage

Adepticon 2011 Coverage *Long War Wins 40k Overall Best Team*

Adepticon 2010 Coverage