New Blood Bowl Rules Spotted In MAR White Dwarf!

Blood Bowl Balls

The March White Dwarf included some interesting new rules for different types of balls in Blood Bowl. Don’t get caught trying to bring them in though!

These new optional rules for different types of special balls are sure to put a twist on the game.

Blood Bowl Ball Rules

There are some very interesting rules when it comes to the 4 new Special Balls. Once per match, at the beginning of any drive, and only if you’re kicking off, you can declare you’re going to use a special ball. Prior to the kickoff the coach picks one player who is on the pitch, not in a wide zone, and not on the line of scrimmage, to be the kicker. If the roll on the kick off table is a double you’re busted! The Ref calls you out, and that model is immediately sent off the field as if they had committed a foul. But should you be successful, the rewards can swing in your favor for the rest of the drive. Let’s take a look at these new ball rules.

Extra Spiky Balls

Every team in Blood Bowl has the option of taking an Extra Spiky Ball. The Extra Spiky Ball does not bounce if it lands in an empty square after it’s been thrown in or kicked off. Additionally, if a player rolls a 1 when attempting to pick up, catch, or intercept the ball, the player making the attempt is treated as being attacked with the Stab Skill.

Limpin’ Squig

Orc teams have the option bringing a Squig ball that’s missing a leg! At the start of each teams turn the Squig will attempt to make a run for it. If it’s being carried by a player they will have to roll a D6, and on the roll of a 1 the Squig breaks free and bounces one square in a random direction. It does not cause a turnover. If no player has control of the Squig at the end of the turn it hops 3 times, resolving the same way you would a bouncing ball. If it bounces into an occupied square, and the attempt to pick it up is failed, the Squig bounces one additional time then stops.

blood bowl

Warpstone Brazier

The Skaven are some of the dirtiest players on the field, and their ball is no different! Whenever a player attempts to catch, pick up, or intercept a Warpstone Brazier, roll a D6. If the result is a 1 they’ll be getting a brand new look, or mutation, whatever you want to call it, but it’s only temporary. Roll a D6 and use the table above to see what mutation they’ll have until the end of the drive, or until a different mutation takes its place.

Master-Hewn Ball

The Dwarf Team is a strong little group, and their ball has a nice weight to it! The center may or may not have iron in it, all depends on if you get caught or not! During a kickoff the ball only scatters D3 rather than D6, and gentle breezes do not affect it on a changing weather result on the kick-off table. Furthermore, when throwing the Master-Hewn Ball, long bombs cannot be attempted and the Hail Mary pass skill cannot be used. If the Master-Hewn Ball lands in an empty square after it is thrown, thrown in, or kicked off, it does not bounce, after all it does have an iron core. Additionally, if there is a prone or stunned player in the square in which it lands you must make an armor roll for that player before the ball bounces away. If the player is removed from play as the result of a failed armor roll, the ball does not bounce. If a player attempts to catch the Master-Hewn Ball and fails, roll a D6 after the ball has bounced away. The player is knocked down if the result of the D6 is equal to or higher than the players ST.

These are optional balls rules and should only be attempted by the extremely daring, or extremely desperate. What are your thoughts? Do you have the courage to play with these new balls? Let us know in the comments below!

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