A New FAQ Arrives For Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | April 25th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The long awaited and highly anticipated FAQ for Star Wars Armada is here! Come and see what new updates to the games state are contain within!

The latest Star Wars Armada FAQ mainly addresses a host of questions and concerns about the Corellian Conflict and its errata. If you haven’t had a chance to try it out it is an amazing expansion to test out new and exciting fleets and battle formats that escalate to an epically huge final battle.

Another big development is in the implementation of the Fleet Command upgrades such as All Fighters Follow Me! and Shields to Maximum! If a ship with these upgrades is destroyed during the turn in which they activate these abilities, the abilities effects still remain. This is a nice boost to the Fleet Command upgrades.

The next big clarification is regarding the Rapid Launch Bays upgrade, which allows you to set aside squadrons at a ships squadron value and then place them on the table whenever that ship activates squadrons. This upgrade allows you to activate squadrons, one at a time up to distance 1 of the activated ship and can activate normally, but cannot move.

The latest FAQ is worth a read for any serious Armada player. Get your knowledge on young fleet admirals!

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