BREAKING: 8th Edition Shooting Rules Spotted


One lucky hobbyist got their hands on the entire Quick Reference Card for 8th edition and decided to share it! You’re not going to want to miss this!

Scanner is at it again with the new Quick Reference card for 8th edition. First we saw the turn structure worked, then the movement phase, and now were seeing how attacks will function in the new 8th Edition 40k!

Looks like there is Four big steps to resolving ranged attacks, with some very similar mechanics to what we know now from both 7th Edition and Age of Sigmar.

But in this page that applies to both attacks from shooting and close combat you can clearly see that damage does not splash over in 8th Edition like in Age of Sigmar, and you get to allocate the damage to whatever model you wish as well.

how mortal wounds work in 8th edition 40k

Looks like mortal wounds are operating the same as Age of Sigmar with the BIG change at the bottom of this passage, that unlike normal wounds they do splash over to other models in the same unit if applicable! 

Just from these images we can see a lot of the puzzle pieces falling into place now for attacking and defending perspective.

Hungry for more on the shooting / attacks rules. Checkout the rest of the pages from the 8th Edition quick reference that were spotted and judge for yourself if they will bring balance to 40k.

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