6 Phases of a Turn: 8th Edition Rules Just Spotted!

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We’re getting our first look at an actual page from the new rule book for 8th edition. The Battle Round turn sequence is here, and we’re breaking it down!

Just a couple hours after the announcement and we’re starting to see leaks from the new rule book. G4l4d4n on Disqus somehow got their hands on what looks to be the first page of the Core Rules. It also has the Battle Round sequence on it.

New 40k Battle Round

Let’s go in and take a look at what we know about each phase so far.

Movement Phase

  • Every model has its own Movement characteristic.
  • Some units will have a minimum move too.
  • Every flyer will have their own minimum and maximum move value.
  • Running has been rolled into the Movement phase now, too. You can “Advance” when you move by rolling a dice and adding the result to your Movement to go a bit faster at the expense of shooting.
  • If you’re in combat at the start of your turn, you can Fall Back by moving away from the enemy. You’ll lose the ability to advance, shoot or charge that turn, and crucially, enemies will be able to shoot at you!

Psychic Phase

  • Each time you pick a psyker, you can cast as many spells as their datasheet states.
  • There’s a simpler, two-dice mechanic for casting, you just need to beat the warp charge value.
  • Enemy psykers will then have a chance to block these powers if they are within 24″.
  • Mortal Wounds are a new mechanic too – these cannot be saved by any means and punch straight through thick armour and even invulnerable saves!
  • Every faction will have its own psychic lore with a range of thematic powers. In addition, every psyker knows the Smite power:New40kPsychicFeatureSmite

Shooting Phase

There has not been an actual breakdown on how the shooting phase will work yet. The only thing we’ve seen is how different things will work in the Shooting Phase.

Charge Phase

  • You can select any unit with 12″ as the target of your charge, and your units will move towards them 2D6″
  • Enemy units still have a chance to hit the charging unit with overwatch.
  • In the current Warhammer 40,000, you need to reach base contact. In the new edition, though, you only need to come within 1″ of an enemy.
  • You also can’t move within 1″ of an enemy you didn’t declare as the target of your charge, so if you want to engage multiple units, you’ll need to brave the overwatch fire of all of them.
  • Overwatch can also be fired multiple times per phase, but as soon as the unit is engaged, they will no longer be able to fire back.Space Marine Warhammer

Fight Phase

  • The priority for striking is based on the previous phase, with those units that completed a charge swinging first.
  • Units that activate gain a free 3″ move towards the closest enemy.
  • Following chargers, players take it in turns to activate units across the board to fight.
  • There are a few units that can interrupt this sequence to attack out of turn.
  • Close combat weapons also gain new rules – some will slice through armour easily, while others will hit with enough force to cause deal multiple wounds that can cripple or kill even powerful enemy models.

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Morale Phase

  • The new Morale phase is simple, and only happens once per player turn, at the end of all your other phases.
  • Any units that suffered casualties in a turn must take a Morale test at the end of it.
  • Roll a dice, add the number of models from the unit that have been slain, and if the number is bigger than the unit’s Leadership, that many models are lost.
  • No units falling back, no regroup tests – all that is gone.
  • There are a few things that can help you out in this phase. A Chaos Dark Apostle, for example, allows all nearby units from the same Legion to use his Leadership. Or, you can use some units to make your opponent’s tests more difficult..

What do you think about the rules that have been put out so far?  What are you most looking forward to about 8th edition?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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