Defy the Empire With Rebel Capital Builds For Armada

Show the Empire the might of the MC-80 Assault Cruiser in this latest intel on Star Wars Armada. For Jedha! For the Rebellion!

The MC-80 Assault Cruiser is an impressive ship for the Rebel fleet, but comparing it to an Imperial Star Destroyer is dubious at best. Until the prevalence of Reinforced Blast Doors.

This upgrade allows you to discard 3 facedown damage cards from you ship, effectively giving the MC-80 “11” hull by adding 3 to its 8. See where I’m going with this? And since the Assault Cruiser features 2 defensive upgrades, you need not sacrifice a slot for Electronic Countermeasures.

No that we’ve covered our defenses, let’s boost our offense! The Defiance title is a monster at dishing out extra damage. While you attack a ship that already activated, you can add 1 die of any color to your attack pool. And since you add this to your pool, you may choose to concentrate fire with that added die. And who isn’t going to pick black dice at long range? Yes please!

If you are throwing out this much dice from an MC-80 (potentially 6 red dice with Ackbar) you are going to want to make those dice hit. If you are within blue range, Leading Shots can help you out by allowing you to spend a blue to re-roll any number of dice. Make those shots count!

The MC-80 is a powerhouse when used correctly, and can even go toe to toe with an Imperial Star Destroyer. Give the Empire a fight!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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