GW Pulls The Plug on Warhammer 40k Army Builder

By Rob Baer | June 24th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

marine 40k 8th edition space wal horGW has sent notice to the 40k 8th Edition Web Roster creator out there, claiming it infringed on their Intellectual property. Come see the latest.

The new Warhammer 40,000 List Builder seemed to have everything you could ask for in a list builder; it was being updated regularly and was extremely user friendly. Where did it all go wrong?

Warhammer List Builder

Hey guys,

A big pile of bad news now…

I was contacted by GW Legal. They requested that I remove the website and I did. It is their right and I must comply.

I was infringing on their IP with:

GW artwork (featured in the background of your website)
Photographs of GW’s painted miniatures (taken from the GW web store)
Legion logos/ iconography
Army points and stats for 40K units
The Warhammer 40,000 logo
Seeing all of these I feel lucky they didn’t actually sue me.

Warhammer List Builder

I didn’t actually remove the site but, as you can see, it is unusable – I am leaving it for now just for this news so you know what’s going on.

I cannot say I wasn’t expecting this. I really did use a lot of their data. But I have to say I just cannot use the new points without some kind of list builder. And using things like BattleScribe is total bull. Those lists are UGLY as hell.

I really hoped when GW contacted me it would be for some sort of collaboration. Not removal

I want to thank all of you for all the gratitude and some of you really helped with the data.

If you think something can be done about this maybe you could all send emails to Games Workshop saying you really want this… There are 12 000 of you each day on here… It may make a difference.

I am so sad…

Happy Wargaming,

Judging by the statement Reepy made above and looking at the screen shots as well, they seem to line up with the issues at hand. Now this shutdown has left some players scrambling, but fortunately Battlescribe seems to be on top of their 8th Edition game, and is currently up to date with their army builder.

Warhammer 8th List Battlescribe

While not as robust with their styling, the functionality of Battlescribe has always been on point, and continues to be a lot of hobbyists go to for a ton of games outside of Warhammer 40k as well.

The update for the 8th edition Battlescribe file didn’t take long to be released and has been getting daily updates over the last week as well. Overall this seems to be a great tool to have when you decide to sit down and build your roster for your next game. Battlescribe is available for all platforms, so be sure to head over and download your copy today.

Update June 24th: The following notice was posted on the web roster site today, and we have updated our article to reflect this.

I want to point out the email I got from GW was not a Cease and Desist order. It was a polite notice of infringement with which I complied. They didn’t just throw the book at me.

I did brake many infringement rules.

If you send mails (and many of you already have) I would very much like it if they are not negative towards GW but more on the soft “we rally liked that” side. This company has given me personally a lot of joy and I will continue playing. I am actually playing my second 8th edition game in a few hours (saturday). I don’t want all of this to become too negative. It’s our hobby and I feel we must protect it even if we don’t like something that’s happening.

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