Striking Back At Chaos in July’s White Dwarf!

White Dwarf 2017 July

Today we get sneak peak at some of the contents for the July 2017 White Dwarf issue. Let’s take a look at what we can expect to see.

Games Workshop has released a teaser for the July issue of the White Dwarf and it is no surprise that the Primaris Marines and the Death Guard are on the cover. The July issue will take a closer look at the Getting Started sets for the Primaris Marines and Death Guard and the Primaris heroes. We will also get to see the Open War cards for the first time as well.

White Dwarf July 2017

Included is the first ‘Tactica Imperialis’ guide for new players that will start with list building, explaining datasheets, and army special rules. An intense T’au versus Orks battle report shows off new rules in action as the two factions battle in the ruins of an Imperial city.

White Dwarf July 2017 Bat rep

The various painting guides inside will cover various techniques including painting the face of the Primaris Librarian. Sigmar fans will enjoy this month’s Illuminations as it covers the Art of Waaagh and takes a closer look at James Karch’s collection of Astral Templars Stormcast Eternals and his guide on how to paint them.

White Dwarf July 2017 Illuminations

This sums up the teaser we have for the White Dwarf July 2017 issue. It will be available on July 7.

For more on the White Dwarf and all things Warhammer, visit Games Workshop!

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