New Reivers, Primaris & Death Guard: ETB Review

By James Rodriguez | July 17th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Easy To Build Boxes Post

Checkout the four new easy to build kits for Warhammer 40k featuring the Primaris Reivers & Death Guard.

The  new Easy To Build kits (Easy To Build or ETB, is just another way of saying push- fit.) that have been released by Games Workshop are great for players who do not have a lot of hobby dollars and would like to get quality miniatures at a reasonable price. These kits are split between Death Guard and Primaris Marines and they have all new sculpts that were not seen before in the starter sets.

For our complete review, scroll down and press play on our full review video below:

ETB Kits

The Plague Marines in the ETB kit come with the blight launcher, which was previously unavailable. Both marines and Pox walkers come with brand new sculpts that were not previously seen in other starter boxes. On the other side of the spectrum, the Primaris Reiver kit comes with 3 Reivers and they can only be found so far in this kit (or the First Strike Starter Set).

All of these kits include build instructions and reasonably sized datasheets.

Reiver ETB packReivers are going to work well against large shooting units that rely on numbers or overwatch. They’re going to have an additional Wound and Attack compared to the normal Tactical Marine, as well as the same armor saves as other power-armored units. They come equipped with heavy bolt pistols and combat blades, and attack three times in the fight phase.

Reiver Rules English

Easy To Build: Primaris Space Marine Intercessors: $15


A strong core of reliable and adaptable warriors that can lay down fire while advancing or holding down terrain is an invaluable aid to any tactician. In the case of strike forces bolstered by Primaris battle-brothers, this role is fulfilled by the Intercessor Squads.

Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Primaris Intercessors. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured blue plastic sprues.

In this kit, you’ll find 2 Primaris Intercessors and 1 Primaris Intercessor Sergeant clad in Mk X power armour. Each is armed with a bolt rifle and carries frag and krak grenades, with one holding an auspex with a detailed keypad and display. The Sergeant has is identifiable by his detached helmet, which hangs mag-locked to his belt, and features extra details such as a reliquary and holstered pistol.

This plastic kit comes as 18 components, and is supplied with a transfer sheet and 3 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

Easy To Build: Primaris Space Marine Reivers: $15


All Space Marines are experts of the rapid strike, but Reivers take these skills to the next level. They are specially trained and equipped to launch brutally effective and unexpected assaults. They do this with a sudden fury and shocking violence, for the Reivers fulfil the role of terror troops that sow fear and confusion amongst their foes.

Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Primaris Reivers. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured blue plastic sprues.

In this kit, you’ll find 2 Primaris Reivers and 1 Primaris Reiver Sergeant clad in Mk X power armour. The Reivers are armed with heavy bolt pistols and combat blades, with a selection of frag, krak and shock grenades on their chest plates and belts. Each features a skull design on the helmet – even the Sergeant, who features a bare head, has a faceplate with a skull motif. Skulls are very much a theme of the Reivers; their chestplate feature their icon, a skull with crossed swords.

This plastic kit comes as 18 components, and is supplied with a transfer sheet and 3 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

Easy To Build: Death Guard Poxwalkers: $15


Shambling across the battlefield in reeking hordes, Poxwalkers engulf their enemies in rotting tides of grasping hands, gnashing teeth and squirming tentacles. They are the cursed victims of Nurgle’s plagues, transformed into unliving weapons by the cruel masters of the Death Guard.

Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 6 Easy To Build Death Guard Poxwalkers. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured green plastic sprues.

In this kit, you’ll find 6 Poxwalkers. Each is uniquely unpleasant, armed with hastily improvised close combat weapons – blunt objects feature heavily, with hammers, chains, planks of wood and metal pipes with nails in represented. The Poxwalkers themselves are ghastly, their pallid faces twisted into sneering grimaces, mutations, boils and gashes covering their spindly limbs. Of note is the Poxwalker clad in a respirator and heavy boots (and little else…), covered head to toe in the blessings of Nurgle and clutching a horrifying notched axe.

This plastic kit comes as 11 components, and is supplied with 6 25mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

Easy To Build: Death Guard Plague Marines: $15


No Traitor Legion stands as high in Nurgle’s favour as the Death Guard. Swollen with the Plague God’s blessings and utterly devoted to the corruption of realspace in his name, the hulking Plague Marines that comprise their mainstay despoil all in their path while chanting praise to their gruesome patron.

Designed to be as easy as possible to assemble for new hobbyists while being detailed enough for the hardiest veteran to appreciate, this is a set of 3 Easy To Build Death Guard Plague Marines. Push-fit, with no glue required, these are incredibly straightforward to put together, and come on pre-coloured green plastic sprues.

In this kit, you’ll find 2 Plague Marines and 1 Plague Marine Champion. Each is clad in grotesquely distorted power armour with fleshy boils in the shape of Nurgle’s iconography and tentacles bursting through the seams. One Marine is armed with a boltgun and blight grenade, with a spiked helmet and skulls on the shoulder pads; one is armed with a massive blight launcher, with a tentacle arm and protuberances feeding back into his helmet, and the Champion is especially grim – he has a plasma gun, power fist and plague knife, his helmetless head twisted into an expression of gleeful malice, and his armour is particularly ornate with a huge toothed maw in the stomach.

This plastic kit comes as 14 components, and is supplied with a transfer sheet and 3 32mm Round slotted bases. Rules for these miniatures are included in the box.

The Easy To Build kits are available now. Be sure to press play on our Unboxing and Review video for our full review.

For more on the Easy To Build Kits and all things Warhammer 40K, visit Games Workshop!


About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”