Cast Away With Grey Knight Psychic Powers

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We just saw the Grey Knights stratagems from their upcoming Codex. Now, let’s take a look at their psychic powers to get you hyped up even further!

Seen in a review video by Winter SEO, the Grey Knights Sanctic Discipline is just one page with 6 powers listed. Of the 6 powers listed, we have seen Purge Soul, Gate of Infinity, and Hammerhand before.

The new additions with this Codex are Sanctuary, Astral Aim, and Vortex of Doom.

Grey Knights Psychic powers

Sanctuary will definitely being seeing use as it grants a 5+ invulnerable save to a unit that has no such save or it adds +1 to a unit that already has one with a warp charge of 6. An example we gave in our Stratagems article is that of Draigo with his Stormshield grants him a 3+ invulnerable save. Cast Sanctuary on him and he goes from a 3+ to a 2+. Grey Knights Sanctuary Skill

Vortex of Doom is a very nasty power with a warp charge of 8. If successful, a vortex opens above the nearest visible enemy unit within 12″ of the psyker. That model’s unit and all other units within 3″ of the model suffer D3 mortal wounds. The amount of wounds inflicted is increased to D6 if the power is manifested with a test of 12+. Now, having a warp charge of 8 doesn’t appear to be too daunting when you can drop 1CP, use the Psychic Channeling stratagem that let’s you roll three dice instead of two, and pick the two highest results.

Vortex of Doom power

Last, we have Astral Aim with a warp charge of 5. This power, when cast on a friendly Grey Knights unit within 18″ of the psyker, grants them the ability to target enemy units that are not visible to them and these targeted units do not gain any bonus to their saving throws for being in cover. This power will definitely be slotted in due how cover works in 8th Edition.

Astral Aim Grey Knights powerThere are the powers from the Sanctic Discipline in the Codex: Grey Knights. Stop back by next week for or first look and then tips and tactics breakdown of how to make the most of these powers.

What are your thoughts on the Sanctic Disciplines? Were you hoping to see a bit more variety in the powers? Let us know in the comments below.

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