New 40k Xenos Faction? Live Q&A Reveals

By James Rodriguez | September 2nd, 2017 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Warhammer Rumors & News

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Pete Foley was asked during a live Q&A what he would like to see in the future for Warhammer 40,000, and his answer may shed some light on a new faction.

The live Q&A took place after the Games Workshop preview event last Wednesday. Another site recently reported that Pete Foley said he wanted to bring a new faction to 40k.

Pete Foley L'Astropate

Our sources that were at the event clarified exactly what was asked and Pete Foley’s response. During the Q&A, one member in the audience asked all of the board members what they would like to see in the future of Warhammer 40,000. Pete Foley’s response was that he would like to see a new playable faction sometime in the future. This was not a declarative statement, just simply a wishlist.

This is not saying it’s not a possibility, we saw a hint at more Xenos coming in the latest White Dwarf teasers.

Xenos White Dwarf

That’s some awesome artwork and a whole lot of French. Luckily, Triaad was able to provide a translation that seems to be accurate:

Quick translation for non french speaking people

If we know well the main actors on the galactic scene. Warhammer 40k encompass a great number of minor xenos species that showed up during the years. They are generally those that escaped the great xenocide purges of the great crusade but without the number, strength or will to conquer great domains like the Aeldary or the Orks .
In the galaxy, humanity encountered the Nicassars, Barghesis, Demiurgs, Sslyths, Nagis , Jokaeros, K’nibs, Lacrymoles, Laers, Psy-Gores, Xenarchs, Hruds, tarelians, Chromes, Loxatls,Megarachnids, Kinebrach, Saruthis, Rak’Gols, Slaughts …
And those are only a fraction of those identified as conscious. Imperial scholars have described beast since the publication of Rogue Trader. Some of those abominations have come to the tabletop under the guise of modern miniatures in service of existing army. Like the Genestealers (who happened to be working for the Hive Fleets), or the Razorwings (often raised by the Drukhari). Other are missing from the battlefield but lurk in the background of stories, like the Hruds or the Demiurgs. It is possible that some other see the light of day in the future. And some are wondering if we will see an Ambull again ….

Did Pete Foley say there was bringing a new playable faction to 40k? Absolutely not, just simply that one day he would like to see one. That neither confirms or denies the recent White Dwarf teasers, but it’s definitely leaving the possibility open.

While we’re on the subject of the Q&A let’s take a look at some other points that were put out during it courtesy of our sources that were at the event.

Q&A Question Answer

General Q&A

  • There will not be Ynarri rules in Codex: Craftworlds.
  • Vehicle Design Rules – Initially variants of land raider, then possibly expanding to other vehicles.
  • VDR will only be available for open play initially.
  • VDR – Will not be Imperium only.
  • All announced codexes will be out by November.
  • Specific updated 30k rules manual coming, but we do not have a date yet.
  • Adeptus Mechanicus transports – No (except for narrative play)
  • Necromunda – Bespoke rules for the gangs and world. No planned cross compatibility with major 40k factions (unlike Shadow Wars: Armageddon).
  • No Forge World faction rules will be in the upcoming Chapter Approved book.
  • “Plastic sisters would be great”.  GW simply replied “Someday”.
  • Sly Marbo – “Maybe” with a smile.  (Interpretation – likely rules in Imperial Guard codex).
  • Regimental rules will be included in the new Imperial Guard Book.
  • Looking hard at Necromunda backstory / lore to bring in additional models and factions (Arbites, lord’s guards, etc).
  • Warzones will be coming out after all codexes are done to tell additional stories.
  • The 40k list building app will be coming out after paint app.
  • More Warhammer Quest stuff will be “coming soon”.
  • There’s a possibility of more Shadow War stuff because of it’s popularity.

All in all there was a lot put put during the live Q&A, and it was a great opportunity for people of the community to be able to ask the questions they most wanted answers to. Make sure you check back in with us for all the latest updates on the games we love.

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About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”