Top 10 Codex Guard Rules You Haven’t Seen Yet

By Drago | September 29th, 2017 | Categories: Astra Militarum, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer TV

tempestus 1 guard astra hor war

Fix Bayonets! From Cadia to Armageddon and more, come see the big Astra Millitarum Codex rules reveals from the author himself: James Gallagher!The book comes into being from a rules point a view to look at regimental doctrines and tactics. They list 8 different regiments and go through each one to target key characteristics. For example: Cadians – discipline; Tallarn – swiftness; Mordians – parade drill. The rules then pick up on different hooks for each regiment and fits their fluff into the new rule set, such as in doctrines, warlord traits, relics, orders, and stratagems. Some regiments have other fluff buffs, such as the Catachan’s new strength shows how they could wrestle an Ork for fun and reflects how they truly fight, getting up close and personal during big firefights, and how good they are with their flamers.

The goal for each regiment is to bring them to life on the table top and have them fight more like the lore.

Astra Militarum Tank Deathstrike Missile

Some new Orders that were featured via WarhammerTV:

Move Move Move!: getting people up the fields faster and moving, can’t shoot, but can use on conscripts or normal squads to get them up the field much faster (for example, getting that last objective on the last turn of the game)

AM Regiment Orders 3

Fix Bayonets!: allow fighting immediately at the start of the shooting phase, can use in phases outside of close combat phase (example used: in close combat with 1 Ork and can’t shoot, can fix bayonets and take out that last ork, then shoot later in that phase)

Cadian Tank Order: Tank Commanders can use this: Pound Them To Dust: “For the duration of the phase you can reroll the dice when determining number of attacks the ordered model can make with turret weapons.” Since they use a randomly determined number, combining with the ability for the Lehman Russ to fire twice when not moving or only moving up to half its full movement, can make a very deadly combo.

AM Regiment Orders 2

Catachans: Burn Them Out!: re-roll dice when determining the number of attacks the ordered unit can make with flamers and heavy flamers. Additionally, units targeted by these ordered units do not get bonus to savings throws for being in cover. AKA more shots with flamers, can’t take cover saves? Crispy enemies.

Armageddon Steel Legion: Mount Up!: shoot with units you’ve issued order to, immediately embark on transport if in range. Cannot use if just disembarked from a transport, but definitely increases survivability…especially if using a Valkyre or Stormlord. You may have issues getting out of the Stormlord, but that’s for a later date!

Some Doctrines discussed:

Tallarn: Swift as the Wind: Infantry units can advance and shoot any weapons except heavy weapons without suffering the -1 to hit. So all weapons except heavy weapons can advance and fire similar to assault weapons, but no negative effects occur. Vehicles do not suffer pentalty to hit for moving and firing heavy weapons. Titanic vehicles that advance in a turn treat all heavy weapons as assault weapons until the end of the turn.

Armageddon Doctrine

Armageddon Steel Legion:

Industrial Efficiency: infantry units with this doctrine can double the amount of attacks made with rapid fire weapons at a range up to 18” rather than half the range (the normal). Vehicles with this doctrine treat any attacks against them that have an AP of -1 as having an AP of 0. This gives your tank a better opportunity to make saving throws, since Armageddon is a difficult place to be and the Steel Legion have created heavier armored vehicles to compensate for the harsher terrains.

Tempestus Doctrine

Militarum Tempestus:

Storm Troopers: if model with this doctrine is shooting at a model at half range or less, it can make an extra shot with the same weapon at the same target for each hit roll of 6 you make.

Cadian Doctrine

Cadians: Born Soldiers:

Reroll hit rolls of 1 in shooting phase if they did not move in the previous phase. If an infantry unit with this doctrine is issued the “take aim” order  and it did not move in the previous phase, it rerolls all hit rolls for that unit. This applies to vehicles as well.

If your regiment does not fall into the listed ones, you get to pick one that best fits your regiments’ style of fighting.

Imperial Guard bury


Consolidate Squads: 1CP At the end of movement phase, pick infantry squad within 2” of another and merge them together, and for the rest of the battle they count as 1 unit.

Efficio Profectus: 2CP Pick a Leman Russ and gives it the Commisar’s leadership

Stratagem Cadia

Preliminary Bombardment: 2CP roll dice for each enemy unit on the battlefield. On a roll of 6, each unit suffers 1 mortal wound. This can only be used once per battle.

Catachans: Vicious Traps: 1CP When an enemy finishes a charge within 1” of the Catachan unit, this stratagem can be used. Roll a dice and on a 4+ that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Stratagem 1

Vostroyan: First Born Pride: Use at start of shooting phase, can add 1 to hit rolls made by the unit affected by this until the end of the shooting phase.

vulture astra militarumFor people who enjoy all tank armies, there is a bonus for you! As a new Astra Militarum rule, Leman Russ that are taken in a Spearhead Detatchment are objective secured. Lemun Russ also have a point reduction, balancing them more.

Genestealer cults will have an FAQ for how they are affected (or not) by these rules and will be put out shortly after the codex.

Okay so that was way more than 10 new rules. What do you think about the latest teasers for Codex: Astra Militarum straight from GW themselves? Let us know in the comments below.

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