These Cheap Leman Russ 40k Tank Alternatives Make Budget-Friendly Proxies

Cheap Leman Russ Tank Alternatives 40k Proxies station forge print with crew 1

Save money with these cheap Leman Russ Tank alternatives, and find quality 3D-printed Warhammer 40k compatible proxies to expand your army!

Updated January 26th, 2025, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content for the Elrik’s/Archon Wolverine Tank and upgrades. 

The Leman Russ is a tank so iconic that it could probably roll through a Warhammer 40k battlefield purely on reputation alone. Named after one of the most ferocious Primarchs, this beast is synonymous with the hammer of the Astra Militarum.

But as much as we love its rugged charm and unyielding presence, let’s face it: collecting a whole squadron of these ironclads can have your wallet retreating faster than a conscript facing a Bloodthirster. So, what’s a resourceful commander to do? Enter the world of budget-friendly alternatives.

With the rise of 3D printed alternatives and the creativity of the Warhammer 40k gaming community, getting your hands on models that stand toe-to-toe with the classic Leman Russ is easier (and cheaper) than ever.

Cheap Leman Russ Tank Alternatives: Budget-Friendly Proxies for Your 40K Army

This is the GW model

We’re getting into a great selection of Leman Russ tank conversion bits and proxy kits that really capture the essence of the Imperium’s best armor, all while giving you more value for your money. 

Whether you’re just starting out in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium or you’ve got a guard army that’s been through more battles than Creed, these options help you bulk up your list without emptying your wallet.

2024 battleforces warhammer 40k new pre-order releases

Sure, there are still some sweet deals on used miniatures out there! But if you’re itching for that shiny new-in-box item, don’t worry! We’ve got the inside scoop on where to snag it at a discount right here, too.

Leman Russ Tank Conversion Kits & Bits

leman russ conversion kits tank elriks hobbies website view

Elrik’s Hobbies (affiliate link)  has a great selection of Warhammer 40k compatible Leman Russ Tank conversion kits & bits, perfect for hobbyists looking to give their tanks a unique, customized touch. Whether you’re aiming to create a battle-hardened veteran tank with extra armor, a sleek command vehicle, or just want to add some standout details to your models, Elrik’s has you covered.

Their kits are designed with quality and compatibility in mind, making them an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced hobbyists. Plus, with such a variety of bits available, you’ll find plenty of options to match your vision for your Astra Militarum army. If you’re looking to upgrade your tank game, Elrik’s Hobbies (affiliate link) site is definitely worth checking out!

Archon Wolverine Tank With Upgrades

If you want an affordable alternative Leman Russ model kit, the Wolverine Tank w/ upgrades from Elrik’s Hobbies has you covered. Packed with turret and sponson options, the Wolverine lets you customize your loadout to match any battlefield challenge.

Legendary Battle Tank – Imperial Force: $19

Cheap Leman Russ ProxiesThis tank model comes loaded with options for different weapons, a bucket, and even a tank commander for that extra flair.

Cheap Leman Russ Proxies 2

The package includes pre-supported files (SLA) for hassle-free printing. Everything’s been tried, tested, and ready to roll for your 3D printer—just remember, resin is the way to go, and you’ll need to use supports for best results.

Modular Proxy Tanks: $15.99

Cheap Leman Russ Proxies 3Grab this pack at a discount before the update hits! After diving into Modular Campaigns V2, there’s been a lot of lessons learned, so the V1 models are getting a refresh for smoother FDM printing.

This collection includes 45 models:

  • Core Tank
  • 5 Side Options
  • 3 Turrets + 1 Filler (Each turret has five gun variations)
  • 5 Back Top Add-ons
  • 5 Rear Add-ons

Cheap Leman Russ Proxies 4With over 40 customizable pieces, you can mix and match parts to create your own unique designs. From turrets with different gun options to various side and rear add-ons, the possibilities are endless—front guns optional!

Cheap Leman Russ Proxies: StationForge GrimGuard Light Tank: $15

Cheap Leman Russ Proxies 5What’s included:

  • 4 GrimGuards
  • 5 Sponson weapons
  • 7 Main weapons
  • 2 Side weapons
  • 2 Accessories
  • 2 Wargear options
  • 2 Tread variants

Key Details:

Cheap Leman Russ Proxies 6The main weapons are designed for 5x1mm magnets, while the sponson weapons use 3x1mm magnets. The turret can be magnetized to the hull with 10x2mm magnets. Even the antenna is magnetized, with an option for a full print or a setup for a 1.38mm diameter electrical wire.

Sponson weapons are compatible with front-hull mounts, and the tank hull offers both hollowed and un-hollowed options for supported and non-supported files.

GrimGuard Support Tank (Chimera or Leman Russ): $15

Chimera 2


Chimera 3This could be used as either a Chimera or a Leman Russ proxy! Perfect for any commander on a budget! Plus, all the parts come pre-supported, which makes printing that much easier.

GrimGuard Flame Tank (Hellhound Proxy): $15



Hellhound 2This tank comes with a hollowed design for easier printing, and you get two different miniature options to mix things up. Every piece is pre-supported, so you’re ready to print straight away without the usual hassle!

Final Thoughts on Cheap & 3d Printed Leman Russ Proxies

And there you have it—a comprehensive look at some seriously cool proxy tanks that’ll let you field your mechanized force without needing to sell your soul to the Adeptus Administratum for more funds.

The Imperium is vast, and its resources are stretched thin, so there’s no shame in being a bit… creative when it comes to reinforcing your armored ranks.

Get Your 3d Printed 40k Compatible Models Here

What do you think about these cheap 3d printed and resin Warhammer 40k compatible Leman Russ proxies? Will you be picking any of them up?