How Big is the Lord of Virulence? REVIEW

By Drago | October 25th, 2017 | Categories: Creature Caster, Product Review, Videos

Lord of Virulence digital

The Lord of Virulence has graced us with his virulent presence, moving forth to our realm in hopes of spreading his toxins in the name of Chaos.

The Lord of Virulence is a fantastic new Nurgle-themed model from Creature Caster. To see the entire review and size comparison, scroll down and press play on the video below!

Creature Caster Lord of Virulence $62

virulence lord 1The model comes in 23 parts, with different options to customize the Lord. Each piece is extremely impressive with detail, including exposed vertebrae, maggots, muscles, pustules, guts, and more. The base itself has an awesome maggot insert with large and small grubs to bring out a disgusting yet amazing detail that is perfect for a Lord of Virulence. The model itself is 19.5cm completely, so around 8″ tall, which is pretty impressive.

virulence lord 3

The wings come in two pieces, the wing insert then the attachment itself. The detail on the wings are great with torn flesh and empty spaces, and talons at the end of each bone. The wings are optional, there are more spores that can go on top of the lord himself. The scythe is multi-part piece with arms, handle, and blade. Other options include hands without weapon, sword, and an axe.

virulence lord 2The Lord of Virulence is 19.5cm from the bottom of his base to the top of his wings and 11cm to the top of his shoulders. His maggot filled base fits on a 60mm round base (not included). The Lord of Virulence is hand cast in pure, unfilled, resin. Model is unassembled and unpainted.

All in all, this is a great new miniature from Creature Caster, showing how their sculpting and casting process has improved since starting. The Lord of Virulence is a great addition to any Nurgle-themed army, or as a great addition to your paint display. To get the Lord of Virulence for yourself, as well as to see other awesome models, head over to Creature Caster. Check out the full unboxing and review by pressing play on the video below!

How Big Is The Lord Of Virulence REVIEW