Victory Class, The Imperial Hammer: SW Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | October 11th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Get ready to crush the Rebellion with this Imperial Armada build featuring the lumbering Victory I. This hammer will nail any ship that gets near

The Victory-I Class Star Destroyer is a solid ship right out of the gate. With 8 hull and 10 shields throughout, this ship can be a pain to take down, and all at 73 points. Its weakness lies in its slow and cumbersome maneuvers but there are upgrades to keep the enemy in check. 

Are the Rebels outmaneuvering your slow Victory? Equip the Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam. This upgrade makes it so that when you activate, you may choose 1 enemy ship of your size class or smaller and reduce its speed by 1 to a minimum of 1. This can prevent Corvettes and Assault Frigates from slipping past your powerful front arc. It can also slow them down until you can get into close range. 

External Racks is a great Ordnance upgrade for the Victory-I and is at a bargain 3 points. Since the Victory will most likely only get 1 round of close range attack, being expendable is not a bad thing. This can bump your forward arc’s damage output by being able throwing a total of 5 black dice. Hammer time! 

With all of the black dice pain at close range, you may want to opt in for the XX-9 Turbolaser upgrade. This upgrade can catch a ship off guard and put some serious damage into its hull by having the first 2 damage cards being dealt face up. This can cripple if not outright destroy a small or medium class ship caught in your tractor beams!

With all of the new upgrades coming out recently for Star Wars armada, it is always great to revisit a classic!

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