3 Next 40k Codex Books Confirmed From GW

By Juan Lopez | November 3rd, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaos

Blood & Glory did not fail in its reputation for being the herald of new things for Warhammer. Come check out what was announced!

Released on Warhammer Community, previews for the next 3 codices, a new Age of Sigmar hero, and a new warband for Shadespire were dropped. Let’s take a look!


We can confirm that the next two will be… (dramatic fanfare please): Codex: Blood Angels and Codex: Dark Angels! Both of these Chapters are firm fan favourites in the Warhammer 40,000 community, and their new codexes are packed with all sorts of awesome content designed to bring them up to speed with their brethren who adhere more closely to the Codex Astartes.


The Blood Angels and Dark Angels weren’t the only codices teased. It would be boring if the loyalists got all the fun. Kicking off 2018, Codex: Chaos Demons!

Not to worry, servants of Chaos; 2018 will be kicking off with a new codex for Chaos Daemons, all the better to slay the servants of the Corpse-Emperor (or just anyone who gets in your way) with.


For Age of Sigmar, something dark is drawing near and a new logo was revealed. Aside from that, a new Chaos hero will enter in and she is the boss of Darkoath from Warhammer: Silver Tower. On the Shadespire side of things, the Skaven warband was also teased.

she’s more likely to deal with sub-par performance by ripping someone’s throat out with her teeth instead of giving them a 5 point list of actions to improve on (unless those actions are “tear the hearts from your enemies” and “despoil the realms in the name of the dark gods” and so on).


Spiteclaw’s Swarm sees the skaven scurry, scheme and shiv their way into the ultimate competitive miniatures game. This expansion will contain six new fighters for your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, as well as a range of skaven-specific and generic powers and objectives for anyone looking for new ways to steal-steal some shadeglass from the dead-things.

Check out the teaser below for more on the Skaven warband.

There are the highlights of what was previewed at Blood & Glory. Of course, as the release dates for these codices and models get closer, we will bring you the best news and reviews on them. What do you think about these previews? Were hoping for another faction to have their codex? Were you hoping for more on the Age of Sigmar side? Let us know in the comments below!

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